Historical Reprints Religion Twisted Scriptures

Twisted Scriptures

Twisted Scriptures
Catalog # SKU0851
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name W. Carl Ketcherside


Twisted Scriptures
by W Carl Ketcherside

Twisted Scriptures
author:W Carl Ketcherside

1st Published 1965

A book with such an odd title as "The Twisted Scriptures" may need an explanation, for no faithful Christian, including the author of this book, believes that "Twisted" is one of the characteristics of the holy Scriptures. The author is referring to the way some people treat the Bible. They do not use it as much as they abuse it. The author likened the way some people wrest the Scriptures to a sign in front of a machine shop that read, "All manner of twisting and warping done here." The author is saying that this is what too often happens to the Bible in pulpits and classrooms across the land.

That holy Scripture would be twisted and warped like a rod of iron in a smelting shop is bad enough, but when it is done to defend and perpetuate division among believers the evil is compounded. That is what this book is about. It lays bare not only "the horrid evil" that schism among Christians is, to quote an angry Thomas Campbell when he wrote of being "sick and tired" of partyism, but it exposes the sectarian spirit that seeks to enlist the Bible itself in support of dividing the Body of Christ over the opinions and doctrines of men.


Perhaps it would be well for us to contemplate some of the ways in which the scriptures may be twisted. Immediately, most of us will think of the practice of lifting a passage out of its context or setting, and interpreting it in isolation and detachment. This is always a malpractice, but it is even more grievous when the purpose is to justify or defend a presupposition or arbitrary position.

Our word "text" is from the Latin textus, to construct or weave. It is found in such words as textile and texture. It is related to technical, which was originally applied to the art or skill of constructing or weaving. Thus context refers to the discourse or writing produced by the weaving together of words in language, and specifically to "the part or parts of a written or spoken passage preceding or following a particular word or group of words, and so intimately associated with them as to throw light upon their meaning."

The sacred scriptures occur in three contexts--time, place and revelation. If properly understood, they must be studied in the light of all of these. The word of God was not delivered neatly packaged and tied with a ribbon. It was the divine response to human situation. It did not create needs and then proceed to meet them, but circumstances existed and the will of heaven was revealed to relate to them. We are obligated to determine as nearly as we can the situation which gave rise to the revelation, and study it in the light of the circumstances.

As we prosecute our search for meaning it will become evident that strife and division have actually been promoted by ignoring the immediate purpose for which a thing was written. In anticipation, let me refer to 2 John 9,10, where the aged apostle warned.

If any man come and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed, for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

End Excerpt

Perfect-bound, 250+ pages 8 x 5 inches

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