Historical Reprints Mysteries Treatise of Hermaphrodites, A

Treatise of Hermaphrodites, A

Treatise of Hermaphrodites, A
Catalog # SKU3197
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Jacob Giles
ISBN 10: 1610335457
ISBN 13: 9781610335454


A Treatise of

Tractatus De Hermaphroditis

Large Print

Jacob Giles

I shall make no Apology for my Subject, notwithstanding an impudent Libeller has endeavour'd to load Authors and Publishers of Works of this Nature with the utmost Infamy; and herein I admire at the Front of the Fellow, to pretend to Chastise others for Writing only, when he practises a great deal more Iniquity than any Book extant can prompt him to, every Day that comes over his Head. Large print 15 point font.



MY Design in the following Sheets is meerly as an innocent Entertainment for all curious Persons, without any Views of inciting Masculine-Females to Amorous Tryals with their own Sex; and I am perswaded there will not be one single HERMAPHRODITE the more in the World, on account of the publishing this TREATISE.

IT may be expected by some faithless Persons, that I should produce an HERMAPHRODITE to publick View, as an incontestible Justification of there being Humane Creatures of this kind; but as I have no Authority to take up the Petticoats of any Female without her Consent, I hope to be excus'd from making such demonstrable Proofs; and if I had such a Power, the Sight might endanger the Welfare of some pregnant Female, whose Curiosity would spur her to a particular Examination.

The Intrigues of my HERMAPHRODITES are indeed very amazing, and as monstrous as their Natures, but that many Lascivious Females divert themselves one with another at this time in this City, is not to be doubted: And if any Persons shall presume to Censure my Accounts, grounded on a Probability of Truth, I shall be sufficiently reveng'd in proclaiming them, what my HERMAPHRODITES are found to be in the Conclusion-Old Women.

I confess, all Histories of extraordinary Conceptions from these Intrigues, or by Women without actual Copulation, are equally fabulous with those of the Engendring of Men: It would be as surprizing to find a Man with a teeming Belly, as to see a Woman increase there meerly by her own Applications.

72 pages - 7 x 8½ softcover
ISBN-10: 1610335457
ISBN-13: 9781610335454

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