Ancient Mysteries Pyramids Testimony in Stone

Testimony in Stone

Testimony in Stone
Catalog # SKU0018
Weight 1.30 lbs
Author Name J. Bernard Nicklin


Testimony in Stone

By J. Bernard Nicklin

From the publisher:
This book tells the absorbing story of the Great Pyramid. The author has confirmed beyond honest questioning the accuracy and reliability of all that has been claimed for the incorporation of a Divine revelation in this monument, which is the Bible in Stone.

Here is set forth testimony demonstrating that the utterances of the prophets in the Bible, the information supplied by chronological time-periods and the time factors built into the Great Pyramid are all inter-locking. Each corroborates the other and they all depend upon one another so that to ignore any one of the three is to fall short of having all that is needed to possess complete understanding of the "times and seasons" in this generations

In this day of scientific attainment the implications of the revelation-measures built into this monument establish the verity of the over-ruling presence of a Divine Providence. Testimony in Stone is a major fulfillment of the prophetic exhortation: "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."


Page 24

Chapter II, The Seals Are Broken

For three thousand years more or less after its construction, visitors might have searched, and searched in vain, for any sign of a door or entrance into the Great Pyramid's interior. Its four sides of white polished limestone, reflecting the sunlight like gigantic mirrors, presented an unbroken appearance. But to a select few, it was known that somewhere about midway, fairly high up, along its northern face, a secret door existed - a hidden movable door - giving access to a long descending passage leading to a subterranean chamber.

The Roman historian Strabo evidently know of this secret entrance, for he refers to it thus:

"On high, as it were, in the midst between the sides, there is a stone that may be removed, which, on being taken out, there is an oblique entrance leading to the tomb."

As other Egyptian pyramids had subterranean chambers which served as royal tombs, so, Strabo believed, did the Great Pyramid.

But in the underground chamber of this monument, only the roof is smooth and finished; the sides and floor are so rough and rugged it is quite unlikely that it ever served as a royal tomb. Indeed, as someone has observed, this so-called "tomb" gives the impression of "upside-downness."

According to ancient tradition, the Great Pyramid was built to embrace a Divine revelation to be made known to a race living in the then-distant future. When the time came its mysteries would be unsealed.

It was about the year 820 A.D. that the Calip Al Mamoun - son of Haroun Al Raschid, of "Arabian Nights" fame - came to the Great Pyramid in quest of the vast treasure rumor said lay hidden therein. Certain vague information seems to have led him to the center of its northern face and whether he then searched for the true entrance and failed to discover it is not known. Eventually, however, the true entrance did not lie in the central plane of the Great Pyramid's northern side, but some 24 feet to the east of it, so that his chances of intersecting its Descending Passage were slender indeed.

After weeks of laborious effect, with the help of fire and vinegar, so it is recorded, a tunnel had been driven some 90 feet or more horizontally inward, but no trace of treasure had been found. His men were about ot give up in despair when a great stone was heard to fall in some hollow place within a few feet from where they were. Renewing their efforts, before long they broke into the Descending Passage which, many centuries before, Romans, Greeks and Egyptians must often have passed up and down when visiting the underground chamber, never suspecting that another Ascending Passage branching from it led to the most important part of the Great Pyramid.

When the Great Pyramid was built the lower end of this Ascending Passage had been intentionally blocked with granite plugs and, in order to disguise the fact, a large angular limestone slab had been placed in front of it to make the roof of the Descending Passage appear continuous. This limestone slab, undisturbed by earth tremors, had been shaken by the blows of Mamoun's workmen as they approached and, becoming dislodged, had fallen with a crash, the cavity left revealing the existence of another Ascending Passage. At once they resolved to enter it, but finding the granite plugs immovable and too hard for their tools, they proceeded to cut a way through the surrounding softer limestone and in due course entered the passage higher up. This they found choked with loose stone and rubble, but when cleared away the whole of the Great Pyramid's interior lay open for their inspection. No treasure did they find, however; only perfect workmanship and an empty lidless stone coffer in a chamber at the end of the passages.

All of the interior passages and chambers of the Great Pyramid fall along a line "AB" , parallel to its Norht-South central plane, as shown in the accompanying diagram.

If all the Great Pyramid east of the line "AB" were sliced away, its passages and chambers would appear as shown in the accompanying sectional elevation.

Today, the Great Pyramid is entered usually by way of Al Mamoun's forced tunnel (shown by dotted lines in the diagram). Here there is plenty of headroom, and its junction with the Ascending and Descending Passages is quickly reached. Upon passing into the latter, one has to bend rather low as the height of it, and other passages in the Great Pyramid, with the exception of the Well and Grand Gallery, is barely four feet, and the width three feet six inches.

Some forty feet from the entrance of this Descending Passage, two mysterious perpendicular lines are to be seen scored from roof to floor opposite each other. It is believed they were cut by the builders to record astronomically either the date of the Great Pyramid's construction, or the epoch of its foundation. Calculations by Sir John Herschel, and later by Dr. Brunnow and by Professor Proctor of Cambridge University, show that in 2136-40 BC the Dragon Star (alpha Draconis) - then the Pole Star - shone directly down the Descending Passage; and, at the same time, Alcyone, the chief star of the Pleiades, was in exact alignment with the scored lines. According to David Davidson, the star Alcyone, in Euphratean tradition, was associated with foundation-laying! Do these "scored lines" provide a clue to the Great Pyramid's age?

End excerpt.

Concordant Index, 73 Charts and Diagrams, 160 pages
Hardcover - reprinted - originally published 1961

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