Beyond Reality
Mysteries Explored
Telos: The Call Goes Out from the Hollow Earth and the Underground Cities
Telepathic Communication from Earth's Interior
Explore the rich family life of the people from the Lost Continent of
Lemuria, who have been living Underground for the past 12,000 years; and
who, due to their isolation from the surface population, have created a
civilization of peace and abundance, with no sickness, aging or
Read about the Advanced Civilizations that live in peace and brotherhood
in the Center of our Earth, which is Hollow, and contains an Inner Central
Sun, with oceans and mountains still in its pristine state.
"Books which explore the principles of the Universe from the perspective
of the Sacred Inner Earth and its civilizations are rare. LAILEL's
discourse opens the reader to the possibility of discovery that there are,
indeed, worlds-within-worlds." - Rev. Maia Chrystine Nartoomid, auther
of The Source Edition volumes
"Telos eloquently and courageously addresses the understandings and
actions necessary for a healthy society and environment. Telos and other
spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations do exist, and are
coming forward in these exciting times." 00 James Gilliland, author of
Becoming Gods, and Becoming Gods II
Page 106
Greetings from the Center of the Earth! My name is Mikos, and I am a
resident of the city of Catharia. I am talking to you from the Library of
Porthologos, located in the Hollow Earth beneath the Aegean Sea.
I am very old by definition. I span eons of time in the same body. I
have been able to compile Earth's records in the Library of Porthologos,
where all Earth's history has been preserved. Our library is immense and
extensive, and holds the records of the Universe - not just Earth. We can
study the history of all planets and solar systems and learn everything
about life everywhere. Such is our library's capacity. Not only can we
read about it, but we can experience it all firsthand from our crystals
that store the memories of all events. So we can access these events,
learn from them, and solve our problems easily and with the best possible
outcomes for all involved.
I am Guardian of the Earth's records, and all records in your Solar System
and Universe. I am here, in the cavity of Earth, primarily to guard the
history of all life everywhere. This is our prime purpose and the purpose
for the Library of Porthologos.
Our library is the only one of its kind in our vast system of planets.
Our library is so vast that it covers miles of terrain and has vast
storage vaults containing records all stored on crystal slides that are
viewed through our crystal projectors. Our storage facilities are vast,
organized and categorized, so that you can easily locate the information
you are looking for and retrieve it for viewing. We have vast conveyers
that will deliver your order within minutes, and then return it back to
its storage location again. This way, every item in the library is always
where it should be and can be easily found and perfectly preserved. Such
is our technological capabilities. For we have drawn on the technology of
the Universe we reside in, and have the most advanced methods of
preservation and storage and retrieval that would marvel your library
systems beyond anything you could dream of.
For we don't have dead books on our shelves-we have living records of
life, in all its vast and differentiated forms of existence, that play out
its story as on a live stage in a theatre; and we sit and view it, as if
we're in the audience, thus having this first hand experience of all
history right here and now. It is truly a marvel to witness, and the
most evolved way to learn about life in all its varied forms.
There are these mini-theatres all throughout the library, where we can sit
in comfort and view any activity or event we choose that has taken place
on Earth and in our Universe throughout all time. This is really what
theatre is about, with live actors portraying themselves, as they were, at
that particular event in time. This is the best way to learn about life
in our Galaxy, and makes history come alive and jump out at you and
capture your attention and you become part of it and feel it and
experience it. It is the best way to learn.
Your surface Earth history classes are dull and boring compared to our way
of learning, and accounts for your loss of attention and loss of interest
in your school classrooms-aside from the fact that your information is
misinformation based on someone's theory or prejudice, rather than actual
fact. You would like our library and would find learning exciting and
wondrous to experience.
Someday, you will be able to access all the information in the Library of
Porthologos, when you travel here through the tunnel system that will be
open between our two civilizations in the future when surface humans stop
warring and people reach Unity Consciousness. Then the world will open up
to you and you will experience the joy and freedom of being in unity with
All of Us in this Universe, and will benefit from all our wisdom and all
our accomplishments. This is how planets, solar systems, galaxies and
universes evolve-by uniting in one consciousness and evolving together
through Eternity-one step at a time, climbing the Spiral of Evolution
together, and bringing everyone along so that all evolve and all benefit
and no-one is left behind. Unity Consciousness carries us all, so that
all life advances according to its divine plan, and all life is in harmony
with its home planet. This is the best way to evolve, and we highly
recommend it to you.
The Light is expanding in your mass consciousness and soon you will feel
its intensity which will drastically move your vibration into the higher
octaves where the frequency will bring you all into Unity Consciousness
without your realizing it. One day, you will just open your eyes and you
will be there-and be with us- and marvel at it all. It will seem as magic
to you and seem as if it always was; and all the suffering of the past
will be obliterated and erased from your cells and you will rejoice at
finding yourself at last. We will enfold you in our arms, and we, too,
will rejoice in reuniting with you, our brothers and sisters, at long
last. I am Mikos, your friend from the past.
6" x 9", softbound, 166 pages