An examination of the events that brought about the decline of British Imperialism.
P 331
Chapter XVIII
The Surrender to the WAFD
Although neither Egypt no Palestine has ever formed a part
of the British Empire, it is necessary to include them in
this survey, because as spheres of British influence,
occupying geographically an important key position, they
offer a particularly vulnerable point for attack by the
enemies of Britain.
England, moreover, throughout the last fifty years has owned
considerable interests in Egypt, and together with other
European countries, notably France and Italy, has spent vast
sums in developing the country both fro her own benefit and
that of the native population. The construction of the
Assuan Dam and of barrages on the Nile created perennial
irrigation and added millions of acres to the cultivated
areas; the condition of the people was immensely improved;
slavery was abolished and the finances of the country,
disordered by the Khedives, restored to prosperity-all this
by the united efforts of European Powers, but particularly
by the British.
From 1882 until the outbreak of War Egypt was under the
joint control of Great Britain, represented by a
Consul-General and a Sirdar, and of Turkey, represented by
the Khedive. When Turkey entered the War on the side of
Germany, Great Britain took immediate steps to protect her
interests and those of her allies in Egypt, and to defend
that region from aggression. Accordingly a British
Protectorate over Egypt was declared on December 18, 1914.
At the same time the Khedive was deposed and replaced by
Prince Hussein, under the title of Sultan of Egypt. On the
death of Hussein on October 9, 1917, the succession passed
to his brother Ahmed Fuad, who, later on, under the
Constitution of 1923, was styled "King of Egypt and the
End Excerpt
398 pages, Softbound