Historical Reprints History Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln
Catalog # SKU0013
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name McCarty


The Suppressed Truth About The
Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

By Burke McCarty

From the publisher:
This book is a factual analysis of a crucial period in American history and the malicious methods which struck down the Great Emancipator. Nowhere else can be found, in one small volume, the connected presentation of the story leading up to the death of President Abraham Lincoln and those responsible for bringing about his assassination.

In all the history of political assassination plots by the enemies of freedom, nothing can exceed the cruel murder of this great American for cold calculation, relentless pursuit, subtle cunning and cowardly execution. This book brings to the light of day a great deal of information which is of vital importance at this time.

This classic book is referenced by Dr. Phelps in "Vatican Assassins" and Tupper Saussy in "Rulers of Evil".


Chapter I.
Destruction of This Republic Plotted By European Monarchists

The death of President Lincoln was the culmination of but one step in the attempt to carry out the Secret Treaty of Verona, of October, 1822, a pact entered into by the "high contracting parties" of the former Congress of Vienna, Austria, which had held its sessions secret, covering the whole year of 1814-15.

Simultaneously with the calling of the Congress of Vienna in 1814, Pope Pius VIIth restored the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) which had been abolished by Pope Clement IVth, July 21, 1773, on the grounds that it was immoral, dangerous and was a menace to the very life of the papacy. Clement was promptly poisoned for his act.

With the restoration of this order, the execution of the Secret Treaty of Verona was placed in their keeping.

The Congress of Vienna was a black conspiracy against Popular Governments at which the "high contracting parties" announced at its close that they had formed a "holy alliance," This was a cloak under which they masked to deceive the people. The particular business of the Congress of Verona, it developed, was the RATIFICATION of Article Six of the Congress of Vienna, which was in short, a promise to prevent or destroy Popular Governments wherever found, and to re-establish monarchy where it had been set aside.

The "high contracting parties" of this compact which were Russia, Prussia, Austria and the Pope Pius VIIth, king of the Papal States, entered into a secret treaty to do so. That the reader may get some idea of the villainy of these two Congresses and their relation to our government, and to the death of Abraham Lincoln, I quote excerpts from that document below as it appears on the Congressional Record of April 25, 1916, placed there by Senator Robt. L. Owen and as it is recorded in the Diplomatic Code, by Elliott, page 179:

End excerpt.

reprinted - orginally published 1924

NOTE: This reprint is from the original plates, and print quality differs from page to page. This is normal for this older process.

255 Pages, 5 x 8, Hardcover
Shipping weight 14 ounces

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