A Documentation of the Secret Revolutionary Mainspring Governing Anglo-American Politics-how Freemasons, Zionists, Communists and their minions lead America toward total disaster.
In his two earlier books, "Judaism and the Vatican" and
"Freemasonry and the Vatican", Count de Poncins dealt with
the conspiracy behind Vatican Council II organized by those
two formidable forces of spiritual subversion, and their
relation to modern politics.
In this new work, the author has collected a unique
selection of secret documents of State which unravel the
kernel of the hidden mainspring governing the political
evolution of the West from the time of the First World
What statesman, prior to World War I, foresaw the emergence
of Israel, with all the upheavals that its presence betokens
in the Middle East? Did anyone prophesy the demise of the
British Empire, Germany, the Habsburgs, the collapse of the
ancient Christian civilization of Europe, and the emergence
of a new, purely materialistic order? Who could have
believed that the vast Russian Empire would be transmuted
into a violently bloodthirsty, anti-Christian Marxist
dictatorship? Would anyone have seriously imagined that the
Great Powers of the free West, and especially the USA, would
actually betray their own Allies in the Second World War, in
order to connive, if not worse, at the spread of Soviet
Imperialism? Did anyone really think that the great
industrial and military nations of the West would even hand
over their technical secrets, retreat from their rule, and
begin to disarm themselves in the face of the Red Army's
stealthy advance across the world, as is happening
There is a James Bond ring about these world-shattering
events. The whole political world order has been turned
upside down in the first three-quarters of this century, and
in the last quarter it is being remodeled according to a new
and sinister pattern. For through all the chaos, the
betrayals, the reversals, the ruins of Empires and States,
there remains one political order throughout the world which
continually emerges triumphant from this trail of
STATE SECRETS penetrates to the heart of this colossal work
of destruction. By reference to generally unknown documents
of unimpeachable authenticity - Her Majesty's Stationery
Office and the United States Government Printing Office, for
example - the reader is made aware of the existence of
another Power within the innermost sanctuaries of the Great
Powers themselves. At crucial moments in history, this
mysterious Power has been, and is, able to exercise adverse
sway over decision at the highest leve, changing the
destinies of entire nations, cynically betraying whole
peoples into a cruel yoke of slavery.
STATE SECRETS will commend itself to all serious students of
the very grave problem of subersion in international
politics. In a subject which has become synonymous with
deception, compromise and half-truth, the Count rigorously
foucuses one's attention on established political facts of
unquestionable authenticity and thereby provides the reader
with a basis for balanced and informed judgement in an area
of vital concern for all free peoples, and which the
conspiracy of silence in favour of the rise of Communism in
the West has endeavoured to suppress from public view.
191 pages
Paper bound