Historical Reprints Philosophical Star Circle Series

Star Circle Series

Star Circle Series
Catalog # SKU1915
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 5.00 lbs
Author Name Aber Nixon Star Circle


The Star Circle Series

All 4 Books
of a 4 Volume Series

Rending the Vail
Beyond the Vail
The Guiding Star
Dawn of Another Life

The Star Circle and
William W. Aber & J.H. Nixon

The late 1800s and early 1900s saw a heightened consciousness towards spirituality that included much research and the search for truth. This was evident in the churches through the revival craze, Azusa Street Pentecostalism (which is a form of Spiritualism), Salvation Army, and the great orators and writers within Christianity. However, this heightened consciousness was not limited to Christianity. This same time period birthed a revival in Theosophy, alternate religions, Socialism, and Spiritualism - or talking with the dead. Many of the great spiritualists have been forgotten through time and history. Part of the demise of Spiritualism was due to the media exposing many frauds and quacks that attached themselves to the movement out of greed for a quick buck.

Christianity is facing the same scenario a hundred years later, as it only seems to beget the quick buck preacher or evangelist, and the movement is rife with fraud and quacks. There also is a dire vacancy in Christianity of intelligent, truthful researchers and scholars that it was blessed with in times past.

This series of books was not compiled for pleasure reading. The authors and compilers indexed every paragraph, thoroughly cross referenced across three books, outlined texts, topical highlights, and more. These do not make for easy reading, but then again their purpose for compiling these books was not for pleasure, but to document every detail in their personal experiences in Spiritualism. These books would never see a best seller's list, so they were not published for any gain or profit.

Some of their contacts in the spirit world would have opened them up to ridicule and scrutiny if their efforts and research were not fully documented. These serious researchers were not in the business of talking to a dead loved one, while fleecing the grieving widow. They were not charlatans - they were truth-seekers. Even Christians have to admit, if they are not hypocrites, that Spiritualism is biblically documented and used by actors in the Bible, and if the Bible is true, then they must accept that Spiritualism is also true.

TGS Publishing recompiled these books from some rough OCR scans. The books refer to pictures that we did not have access to, but the lack of illustrations does not negate the information to be gleaned from the words of the spirits and compilers. The majority of the first three books do not lend themselves to the typical Table of Contents, and the originals did not attempt to try. TGS has taken the main topics or interesting spirits or famous names and added them to the Table of Contents.

The fourth book is a sound, well thought out, explanation of Spiritualism itself, and you will find it is much deeper in thought and experience than what one normally thinks of Spiritualism - Talking with the Dead.

From the Introduction

There is no system of religion or philosophy, no new theory or science that Spiritualism does not embrace.

It has obtained a foothold among men that no other religion or science has been able to reach in regard to a future life. Like other reformations we have and are building such powerful auxiliaries to the success and growth of Spiritualism that no force can disturb its progress. We hope to make this work plain and comprehensive to its readers. All of this and much more is now easily to be learned by any one who will investigate and study the constantly increasing literature of Spiritualism at the present day.

The short, terse paragraphs and independent sentences contained in the three books, Rending the Vail, Beyond the Vail, and the Guiding Star, have given food to the hungry soul.

This book will be entirely written by us, different than the other three books, being fully satisfied that the thoughts and expressions contained in this book will richly repay for the time consumed in their study, and that they will throw much needed light in what Spiritualism is, and what Spiritualists believe; this book is herewith presented to the public.

8¼" height 6¾" width - 1530+ pages in 4 Books - Perfect-Bound

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