The Human Mind Powers of the Mind Stalking the Wild Pendulum - Mechanics of Consciousness

Stalking the Wild Pendulum - Mechanics of Consciousness

Stalking the Wild Pendulum - Mechanics of Consciousness
Catalog # SKU0639
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Itzhak Bentov


Stalking the Wild Pendulum
On the Mechanics of Consciousness

by Itzhak Bentov

This book offers a revolutionary perspective on human consciousness and its limitless possibilities. Widely known and loved for his clarity, humor, and imagination, Bentov throws new light on the familiar world of phenomena, giving us a startling new view of ourselves in an expanded, conscious, holistic universe.


"Dazzles the imagination and causes you to rethink everything you ever thought you knew about reality." -- Jean Houston, Author of The Possible Human

"A ground-breaking work. Clear, imaginative, and inspiring, it offers a revolutionary image of the human mind and the universe." --Dr. Stanislav Grof, Author of Beyond the Brain

"A brilliantly executed theoretical romp through the do all this with humor and suspense is indeed a major accomplishment." -- Dr. Montague Ullman, Director, Maimonides Medical Center

Table of Contents

Preface by William A. Tyler

1. Sound, Waves and Vibration
2. A Look Through a Supermicroscope
3. A Morse Code of Action and Rest
4. An Experiment with Time
5. Quantity and Quality of Consciousness
6. Relative Realities
7. The Parable of the Bicycle
8. A Model of the Universe
9. The "How to" of Intuitive Knowledge
10. Some Reflections on the Creator

Appendix: Stresses and the Body
The Physio-kundalini Syndrome
Appendix Bibliography

About the Author
Itzhak Bentov was an outstanding exponent of the new science of consciousness up until his untimely death in 1979. He specialized in bio-medical engineering and instrumentation. He was also the author of A Cosmic Book.

Softbound, 5.25 x 8.25, 208 pages

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