Fiction With Purpose Spiritual Spiritual Short Stories Fact and Fiction

Spiritual Short Stories Fact and Fiction

Spiritual Short Stories Fact and Fiction
Catalog # SKU2698
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name David R Clearwaters


Spiritual Short Stories
Fact and Fiction

First book in
The Short Story Collection Series

David R Clearwaters

"David Clearwaters writes with simple power and grace; his accounts of near-death experiences made my palms sweat.

"Here is an author whose imaginative fiction and spiritually impelling nonfiction will captivate you as it did me."

Vern Bennom Grimsley



Some like their stories light, some like dark, most like a tragedy that always turns out right.

Some say it's all good. I believe all things work for the good to those who love and truly seek the path to find God.

There are many great untold stories of lonely spiritual heroism, an untapped source of great, uplifting, and intriguing examples of man's victories in being attracted to the light. This Collection, written with the refreshment of struggling souls, to give a respite amid the inevitable difficulties traversing this world, is my goal.

Click for larger image The Spiritual Fiction short stories each have a common thread that depicts an aspect of mankind's involvement or influence by the hidden side of things. Not fantasy, these stories depict spiritual truths in a with reaching for this drawing realm.

The Receiver is taken from the Proving Universal Truth Chronicles Spi Fi (Spiritual Fiction) portrays life on other worlds and realms only similar to Sci Fi (Science Fiction) with out of this world imaginative adventures and mishaps.

This new genre does not involve materialistic rocket ships, space suits, and monsters.

Instead, intriguing adventures with nonhuman mortals that include battles fought on moral levels with super mortal help.

Near Death-Close Calls Taken from the Boomer True Life Short Stories

It may sound arrogant for me to say I have invisible helpers, Agents of God, our Heavenly Father, that have a 'hand' in my life.

Events happen that speak for themselves in this regard. To relate the events biased on my 'belief system' are inevitable, but basic common sense, scientific laws, that I use for a living, override any bias when I seek the truth.

As depicted in the sample stories out of the Boomer series, I was there. I may embellish some as my eyes later recall events, but I sent Roger the 'Lost' story, and he verified it was just as he remembered our misadventure.

Narration techniques are not an abridgement of the truth.

Leaving you with a sense of gainful satisfaction would be my pleasure and so, read on! "Man prays to his God and is answered by His pure agent's doings, acting as one, to help man in sincere trouble."

Isaac Midnight

185+ pages - 8¼ x 6¾ softcover

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