Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, The

Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, The

Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, The
Catalog # SKU0790
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.50 lbs
Author Name Wynn Free


The Reincarnation
of Edgar Cayce?
by Wynn Free
with David Wilcock

Millions of people have been influenced and inspired by the work of Edgar Cayce. Most of those who study his material have accepted reincarnation as a modality by which evolution of consciousness occurs. The facts of David Wilcock's life forced him to evaluate if it was possible that he was the reincarnation of Mr. Cayce. In this book, the case will now be presented to you.

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), the "sleeping prophet," is widely considered to be the most documented and accurate psychic in the Western world. Speaking from a trance, Cayce gave the afterlife realms a voice. Popular contemporary intuitive/researcher David Wilcock has believed since 1998 that he is Cayce's reincarnation, but refused to allow publication of a book about it --- until now. Author Wynn Free unveils the stunning case that led him from initial skepticism to conviction of the claim's authenticity.

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? details the intriguing connection between Cayce and Wilcock and presents the case for both having the same source for their prophetic information. Through the inspirational, life-transforming words from Wilcock's Higher Self -- part of a group soul known as "Ra" -- readers can learn how the now-obvious "Earth Changes" are energetic increases occurring also on the sun and all other planets in scientifically measurable ways. Breathtaking new evidence indicates how this energy can transform DNA, potentially making ESP, telekinesis, levitation, and other paranormal activities as common as breathing -- ushering in the "Golden Age" promised by every major spiritual tradition in human history.

Softbound, 415+ pages - 6x9 inches

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