CD/DVD/Video Philadelphia Experiment

Philadelphia Experiment

Philadelphia Experiment
Catalog # SKU0938
Publisher InnerLight/Global
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Timothy Green Beckley


The Philadelphia Experiment
3 Audio CD Set

by Timothy Beckley

The Bizarre Mystery of M.K. Jessup, the Allende Letters, and the Philadephia Experiment

In October 1943, the U.S. Navy secretly accomplished the teleportaion of a warship from Philadelphia to a dock near Norfold by successfully applying Einstein's Unified Field Theory.

The experiment also caused the crew and officers of the ship to become invisible, during which time they were sent to a time-space warp into another dimension.

The majority of the crew contineued to experience devastating 'side effects' the rest of their lives, become invisible and catching on fire. For the first tiem a survivor of the experiment tells his personal story and how the project was actually the end result of alien technology.


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