Ancient Mysteries Witches/Goblins/Evil New Encyclopedia of the Occult

New Encyclopedia of the Occult

New Encyclopedia of the Occult
Catalog # SKU0739
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name John Michael Greer


The New Encyclopedia of the Occult

by John Michael Greer

From Aarab Zereq to Zos Kia Cultus, this is the most up-to-date, comprehensive guide to the history, philosophies, and personalities of Western occultism.

Written by an occult scholar and practitioner with the assistance of hundreds of experts in the field, this volume presents the latest in scholarly research and points out errors in previous writings-revealing truths much more interesting and dramatic than the fictional histories that obscured them.

The New Encyclopedia of the Occult is an invaluable reference guide to magic, alchemy, astrology, divination, Tarot, palmistry, and geomancy; magical orders such as the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucians; important occultists; and religions and spiritual traditions associated with occultism such as Wicca, Thelema, Theosophy, and the modern Pagan movement.

"Substantial but reasonably priced, this encyclopedia, written by a modern practitioner of occult traditions for new age pagans, contains accurate, concise, objective entries on a variety of topics not covered in other encyclopedias of the occult...By dispelling much of the misinformation associated with the occult and citing major grimoires, this work can help readers develop a basic understanding of the occult and guide them in pursuing further research on arcane subjects. Essential." --Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries

"Greer delivers a well researched, informative, and unbiased encyclopedia... Highly recommended for all public libraries and where interest merits." --Library Journal

"If you have only one occult reference book in your library, this should certainly be it....It is a brilliant reference guide on alchemy, astrology, divination, magic, and much, much more. What makes it even more valuable is that it points out errors in previous writings....The only drawback to owning this book is that it's addictive! You won't want to put it down." --Psychic Quarterly



Aarab Tzereq. (Hebrew AaRB ZRQ,ravens of dispersion) In Cabalistic teaching, the Qlippoth or demonic powers corresponding to Netzach, the seventh Sephirah of the Tree of Life. Their traditional form is that of demon-headed ravens emerging from an erupting volcano, the latter itself a demonic power named Getzphiel. Their cortex or realm in the Kingdom of Shells is Theumiel, and their archdemon is Baal Chanan. SEE QLIPPOTH.

Aatik Yomin. (Hebrew AaThIK IVMIN) Ancient of Days, a title of Kether. SEE KETHER.

Ab. (Hebrew AaB,darkness, obscurity) In the Cabala, the secret name of the world of Atziluth. The numerical values of its letters add up to seventy-two, which is also the sum of IVD HIH VIV HIH, the spelling of the Tetragrammaton in Atziluth. SEE ATZILUTH; TETRAGRAMMATON.

Abaris. According to legends recounted in ancient Greek sources, a Scythian magician who possessed a magical arrow that he could ride through the air. He was said to have lived in the time of Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and mystic, and visited the latter at his school in Crotona, Italy. Writers from the eighteenth century onward converted Abaris into a Druid, as part of a claim that Pythagoras had studied with the Druids (or vice versa). SEE DRUIDS; PYTHAGORAS.

Abba. (Hebrew,father) In Cabalistic symbolism, a title of the Sephirah Chokmah, and also of the first letter of the Tetragrammaton. SEE CHOKMAH; TETRAGRAMMATON.

Abbadon. (Hebrew ABDVN,destruction) The name of a demon, whose attributes have been variously described, or of a part or level of hell, defined with equal variability. In Cabalistic lore, Abbadon is the name of the sixth hell, which corresponds to the Sephirah Chesed. SEE HELLS, SEVEN.

Abel. The second son of Adam, according to the Book of Genesis, slain by his brother Cain. In Gnostic thought, Abel became the original of the psychic class of humanity, those who had the potential to achieve gnosis but did not have gnosis innately. SEE GNOSTICISM.

Abracadabra. A traditional word of power, used by Western magicians from classical times to the present. Written in the following way, it was used in talismans to cure fevers and asthma:
In recent times, Abracadabra has mostly been used by stage magicians. English mage Aleister Crowley (1875 1947) altered the spelling to make it fit his new magical religion of Thelema, and in this new form the word has been much used in the Thelemite community; SEE ABRAHADABRA. SEE ALSO BARBAROUS NAMES.

Abrahadabra. Aleister Crowleys reformulation of the older magical name Abracadabra, rewritten to place the name Hadthe shorter form of Hadith, the second person of the Thelemite trinityat its center. SEE CROWLEY, ALEISTER; THELEMA.

Abramelin the Mage,The Sacred Magic of. A grimoire preserved in a single eighteenth-century copy in the Bibliotheque de lArsenal in Paris. Written in French, it claims to be a translation of a Hebrew original dating from 1458, although scholars have cast doubt on this claim.

According to the long preface, it represents the teachings of a Jewish magician named Abramelin, passed on by him to his student Abraham, and by the latter to his son Lamech. These teachings, which Abraham describes as the only valid magical system in the world, require the student to devote six months of prayer, repentance, and ritual to obtain the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. After this accomplishment, the student gains the power to command evil spirits through talismans composed of letter combinations.

The Sacred Magic was rediscovered in the late 1890s by Golden Dawn founder Samuel Mathers (18541918), and Mathers English translation was published in 1898. It has had a major impact on magical thinking ever since, especially through its influence on Aleister Crowley (1875 1947), who used it as the template for much of his own understanding of magic.To this day the idea that magic is or should be directed toward the knowledge and contemplation of ones Holy Guardian Angela concept not found outside this work in older sourcesis commonplace in magical writings.

The book itself, however, developed a sinister reputation among occultists in the early part of this century. Dire accidents and mental imbalance were held to have befallen many of those who owned a copy of the original printing, or who tried to use the talismans contained in it. SEE ALSO HOLY GUARDIAN ANGEL. FURTHER READING: MATHERS 1974.


Abraxas. A popular magical deity in the ancient world, Abraxas (also called Abrasax) was depicted on classical amulet gems as a humanlike figure with a roosters head and serpents for feet, wielding a charioteers whip. The letters of his name in Greek add up to 365, the number of days in a year, which marked him as a solar deity and a lord of time. SEE GEMATRIA.

In modern times Abraxas has achieved a new popularity by way of the writings of the psychologist Carl Jung, who gave him a central place in his Gnostic work The Seven Sermons to the Dead and elsewhere in his writings. SEE JUNG, CARL GUSTAV.

End Excerpt.

Softbound, 8x10, 555 pages

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