Serve yourself, your children with the tools that seed intuitive thinking skills, books that challenge and enrich the imagination. Take them back to the time before the mind-controlling television and electronic games to the origins of the ideas that gave birth to these electronic miracles. - BOOKS that fuel the creative processes of the human imagination. Edgar Rice Burroughs was one such man and author that enriched the minds of many a person.
As he dropped the last grisly fragment of the dismembered
and mutilated body into the small vat of
nitric acid that was to devour every trace of the horrid
evidence which might easily send him to the gallows,
the man sank weakly into a chair and throwing
his body forward upon his great, teak desk buried
his face in his arms, breaking into dry, moaning sobs.
Beads of perspiration followed the seams of his
high, wrinkled forehead, replacing the tears which
might have lessened the pressure upon his overwrought
nerves. His slender frame shook, as with
ague, and at times was racked by a convulsive shudder.
A sudden step upon the stairway leading to his
workshop brought him trembling and wide eyed to
his feet, staring fearfully at the locked and bolted
Although he knew perfectly well whose the advancing
footfalls were, he was all but overcome by
the madness of apprehension as they came softly
nearer and nearer to the barred door. At last they
halted before it, to be followed by a gentle knock.
"Daddy!" came the sweet tones of a girl's voice.
The man made an effort to take a firm grasp upon
himself that no tell-tale evidence of his emotion might
be betrayed in his speech.
"Daddy!" called the girl again, a trace of anxiety
in her voice this time. "What IS the matter with you,
and what ARE you doing? You've been shut up in that
hateful old room for three days now without a morsel
to eat, and in all likelihood without a wink of sleep.
You'll kill yourself with your stuffy old experiments."
The man's face softened.
"Don't worry about me, sweetheart," he replied in
a well controlled voice. "I'll soon be through now -
soon be through - and then we'll go away for a long
vacation - for a long vacation."
"I'll give you until noon, Daddy," said the girl in a
voice which carried a more strongly defined tone of
authority than her father's soft drawl, "and then I shall
come into that room, if I have to use an axe, and bring
you out - do you understand?"
Professor Maxon smiled wanly. He knew that his
daughter was equal to her threat.
"All right, sweetheart, I'll be through by noon for
sure - by noon for sure. Run along and play now, like
a good little girl."
Virginia Maxon shrugged her shapely shoulders
and shook her head hopelessly at the forbidding panels
of the door.
About the Author
Edgar Rice Burroughs is one of the world's most
popular authors. With no previous experience as an
author, he wrote and sold his first novel--'A Princess
of Mars' in 1912. In the ensuing thirty-eight years until
his death in 1950, Burroughs wrote ninety-one books
and a host of short stories and articles. Although best
known as the creator of the classic Tarzan of the Apes
and John Carter of Mars, his restless imagination knew
few bounds. Burroughs's prolific pen ranged from the
American West to primitive Africa and on to romantic
adventure on the moon, the planets, and even beyond
the farthest star.
No one knows how many copies of ERB books have
been published throughout the world. It is conservative
to say, however, that with the translations into
thirty-two known languages, including Braille, the
number must ran into the hundreds of millions. When
one considers the additional worldwide following of
the Tarzan newspaper feature, radio programs, comic
magazines, motion pictures, and television,
Burroughs must have been known and loved by literally
a thousand million or more.
Edgar Rice Burroughs commenced writing a "contemporary"
tale about adventure in the south seas in
1913. The first part was called THE CAVE GIRL and
originally appeared in THE ALL-STORY magazine for
July, August, and September 1913. Its sequel, THE
CAVE MAN appeared in serial fashion in 1917; both
parts were later collected in hard cover in 1925 by A.
C. McClurg & Co.
Softcover, 5¼" x 8¼", 205+ pages