Mysteries Government Mind Stalkers : UFOs, Implants & The Psychotronic Agenda of the New World Order

Mind Stalkers : UFOs, Implants & The Psychotronic Agenda of the New World Order

Mind Stalkers : UFOs, Implants & The Psychotronic Agenda of the New World Order
Catalog # SKU0390
Publisher InnerLight/Global
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Commander X


Mind Stalkers
UFOs, Implants & The Psychotronic Agenda
of the New World Order

by Commander X

Here is an "insiders" findings on the sinister practice of Mind Control utilized to control the Earth's population.

The CIA and the KGB have long practiced behavior modification with drugs, hypnosis, ELF waves and more recently with computer chips placed in the brains of "dissidents."

The Russians make no secret of the fact that they can subliminally implant thoughts in people's minds to control their actions, even using telephones by impressing a coded message while negotiating with an individual. Many UFO abductees maintain that they too have become part of a program designed to infiltrate our society by using monitoring devices or implants.

Maybe those who claim to hear voices in their heads aren't so crazy afterall!

150 pages, softbound, 7 x 10"

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