Lost Science of The Soul: Breaking The Reptilian Code
In this well-documented series, compelling evidence is presented that beyond creation, life, death, truth and even immortality, there is only one great cosmic secret: HiddenMysteries
The secret of the Stargate or Wormhole, a universal transportation system known to the enlightened seers or Shaman of Sumerian, biblical, Egyptian and other primordial cultures. Thousands of years ago this knowledge was lost.
Mayan prophecy predicts that this lost knowledge will be rediscovered by the year 2012, marking the dawn of a new age, the birth of a new type of human, and a shift in the matrix of reality.
William Henry presents the spiritual, historical and scientific background of this imminent Stargate revolution, and the fascinating journey of questioning and discovery that awaits us all.
9 hours - 6 DVD disks or VHS tapes (VHS NTSC - US Canada format)