Science Mysteries Earth Sciences Ley Lines and Earth Energies

Ley Lines and Earth Energies

Ley Lines and Earth Energies
Catalog # SKU0585
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name David Cowan & Chris Arnold


Ley Lines and Earth Energies
Ground breaking Exploration of the Earth's Natural Energy and How it Effects Our Health

by David Cowan & Chris Arnold

Ley Lines and Earth Energies
A Ground breaking Exploration of the Earth's Natural Energy and How it Effects Our Health

By David Cowan & Chris Arnold

A fascinating and visual book about subtle Earth energies and how they affect us and the world around them.

The mysterious standing stones, burial grounds and stone circles that lace Europe, the British Isles and other areas have intrigued scientists, writers, artists and travelers through the centuries. They pose so many questions:

Why do some places feel special? How did our ancestors use Earth energy to map their sacred sites and burial grounds? How do ghosts and poltergeists interact with Earth energy? How do ley lines work? How can Earth spirals and black spots affect our health? This exploration shows how natural forces affect our behavior, how they can be used to enhance our health and well being, and ultimately, how they bring us closer to penetrating one of the deepest mysteries being explored.

Page 176

Laboratory Experiments on Rock

Since sound is produced in all major earthquakes, the source of vibrations must not be neglected. Laboratory experiments, as already mentioned, show that before rocks break, fine hairlines cracks appear in them. In the process, ultrasound signals are emitted at frequencies which can reach 100,000 Hz. The sound frequency varies with the size of the tears which are being produced and thus with the kind of rock in which the cracks appear. It follows, then, that almost any sound frequency may be emitted in an earthquake, from infra sound to the extreme ultrasound. But a concert of this kind would hardly have been compared to the growling of thunder or the passing of a train in a tunnel, rather one might think of the rattling of tin cans, breaking glass or screeching brakes.

The reason for the great difference between generated sound and perceived sound in an earthquake is that rock swallows much of the generated sound energy. This muffling effect is not equally strong at all frequencies, but is proportionally stronger in the higher frequencies. Whereas sound of 100,000 Hz. Travels 656 feet (200 metres) in typical bedrock, sound of 100 Hz. Covers 12 miles (20 kilometres.) As sound travels through the bedrock, ultrasound frequencies are filtered out drastically, so that only the deeper earthquake tones remain. In order for ultrasound signals coming from the developing hairline fractures in rock to be detected, the events must be talking place 32.8-328 feet (10-100 metres) away. Since the origins of earthquakes generally lie many miles beneath the Earth's surface, and since very shallow earthquakes are rare, ultrasound signals as earthquake signs are barely worth considering. This is confirmed by fortuitous tape recordings of three small earthquakes in 1975 in the Imperial Valley of California; the measured acoustical frequencies are indeed limited to the very low frequency range between 50 and 70 Hz.

However, earthquake noise is not always limited to this narrow frequency range. If a small 'quake happens in a bottom layer of granite or lava rock, people living above it may perceive very high-pitched noises. This is because small earthquakes produce high-frequency tones, and because these travel well through this kind of crystalline rock. A similar earthquake under a layer of ocean sediments, which swallows higher frequency more easily, would sound muffled and deep.

Earthquake Sounds Appear before Tremors

The acoustical measurements of the Imperial Valley noises yielded a surprise bonus of a very special kind. Since antiquity, witnesses had always maintained that earthquake noises had appeared several seconds before the tremors. (Even the Italian researcher Luigi Bossi experienced and described this phenomena.) According to his observations, aftershocks of the earthquake wave of 1808 in the piedmont came with and without noises; when noises did appear, they preceded the earthquake by aoubt 2 seconds.

End excerpt.

Softbound, 6 x 9, 408 pages

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