Ancient Mysteries Egypt Legends of the Gods

Legends of the Gods

Legends of the Gods
Catalog # SKU1898
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name E. A. Wallis Budge


Legends of the Gods

The Egyptian Texts

E.A. Wallis Budge

This is Budge's great work in defining how the gods of Egypt were related to each other and their functions. Understanding these ancient Egyptian gods brings you a greater understanding of the source of polytheism of Rome, Greece, and even the multi-headed god of Christianity, which is polytheism in a modified form. Another mystery in the Egyptian beliefs was their origin of monotheism which can be directly linked to the monotheism of Judaism and Islam.

Amen means "hidden," and AMEN is the "hidden god."

Osiris is represented by the hieroglyphics for an eye and a sceptre, the name itself signifying "many-eyed," as we are told by some who would derive it from the words os, "many," and iri, an "eye"



I. The Legend Of The God Neb-Er-Tcher, And The History Of Creation.
II. The Legend Of The Destruction Of Mankind.
III. The Legend Of Ra And Isis.
IV The Legend Of Heru-Behutet And The Winged Disk.
V. Legend Of The Birth Of Horus, Son Of Isis And Osiris.
VI. A Legend Of Khensu Nefer-Hetep And The Princess Of Bekhten.
VII. A Legend Of Khnemu And Of A Seven Years' Famine.
VIII. The Legend Of The Death And Resurrection Of Horus, And Other Magical Texts.
IX. The History Of Isis And Osiris.

Legends of Egyptian Gods

The History Of Creation--A.
The History Of Creation--B.

The Legend Of The Destruction Of Mankind.

Chapter I. Here Is The Story Of Ra
Chapter II. The Cow
Chapter III. God Spake Unto Thoth - 77 - Chapter IV. The Majesty Of This God Said
Chapter V. Whosoever Shall Recite

The Legend Of Ra And Isis.
The Legend Of Horus Of Behutet And The Winged Disk.
A Hymn To Osiris And A Legend Of The Origin Of Horus.
A Legend Of Ptah Nefer-Hetep And The Princess Of Bekhten.
Legend Of The God Khnemu And Of A Seven Years' Famine.
The Legend of the Death of Horus

I.--Incantations Against Reptiles And Noxious Creatures In General.
Another Chapter.
II.--The Narrative Of Isis.
The History of Isis and Osiris

Excerpt from Preface

THE welcome which has been accorded to the volumes of this Series, and the fact that some of them have passed into second and third editions, suggest that these little books have been found useful by beginners in Egyptology and others. Hitherto the object of them has been to supply information about the Religion, Magic, Language, and History of the ancient Egyptians, and to provide editions of the original texts from which such information was derived.

There are, however, many branches of Egyptology which need treatment in a similar manner in this Series, and it has been suggested in many quarters that the time has now arrived when the publication of a series of groups of texts illustrating EGYPTIAN LITERATURE in general might well be begun. Seeing that nothing is known about the authors of Egyptian works, not even their names, it is impossible to write a History of Egyptian Literature in the ordinary sense of the word.

The only thing to be done is to print the actual works in the best and most complete form possible, with translations, and then to put them in the hands of the reader and leave them to his judgment.


The story of the Creation is supposed to be told by the god Neb-er-tcher, This name means the "Lord to the uttermost limit," and the character of the god suggests that the word "limit" refers to time and space, and that he was, in fact, the Everlasting God of the Universe. This god's name occurs in Coptic texts, and then he appears as one who possesses all the attributes which are associated by modern nations with God Almighty.

Where and how Neb-er-tcher existed is not said, but it seems as if he was believed to have been an almighty and invisible power which filled all space. It seems also that a desire arose in him to create the world, and in order to do this he took upon himself the form of the god Khepera, who from first to last was regarded as the Creator, par excellence, among all the gods known to the Egyptians. When this transformation of Neb-er-tcher into Khepera took place the heavens and the earth had not been created, but there seems to have existed a vast mass of water, or world-ocean, called Nu, and it must have been in this that the transformation took place.

In this celestial ocean were the germs of all the living things which afterwards took form in heaven and on earth, but they existed in a state of inertness and helplessness. Out of this ocean Khepera raised himself, and so passed from a state of passiveness and inertness into one of activity. When Khepera raised himself out of the ocean Nu, he found himself in vast empty space, wherein was nothing on which he could stand.

The second version of the legend says that Khepera gave being to himself by uttering his own name, and the first version states that he made use of words in providing himself with a place on which to stand. In other words, when Khepera was still a portion of the being of Neb-er-tcher, he spake the word "Khepera," and Khepera came into being. Similarly, when he needed a place whereon to stand, he uttered the name of the thing, or place, on which he wanted to stand, and that thing, or place, came into being.

This spell he seems to have addressed to his heart, or as we should say, will, so that Khepera willed this standing-place to appear, and it did so forthwith. The first version only mentions a heart, but the second also speaks of a heart-soul as assisting Khepera in his first creative acts; and we may assume that he thought out in his heart what manner of thing be wished to create, and then by uttering its name caused his thought to take concrete form.

This process of thinking out the existence of things is expressed in Egyptian by words which mean "laying the foundation in the heart."

Softcover, 8¼" x 6¾, 170+ pages
Perfect-Bound - Illustrated

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