Historical Reprints Fiction Last Woman, The

Last Woman, The

Last Woman, The
Catalog # SKU1802
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Ross Beeckman


Last Woman

Ross Beeckman

Like Romance? Enjoy the setting in early 1900s in the 'more' relaxed lifestyle of that era, when romance was more formal and full of mystery.


The old man, grim of visage, hard of feature and keen of eye, was seated at one side of the table that occupied the middle of the floor in his private office. He held the tips of his fingers together, and leaned back in his chair, with an unlighted cigar gripped firmly in his jaws. He seemed perturbed and troubled, if one could get behind that stoical mask which a life in Wall street inevitably produces; but anyone who knew the man and was aware of the great wealth he possessed would never have supposed that any perturbation on the part of Stephen Langdon could arise from financial difficulties. And could his most severe critics have looked in upon the scene, and have seen it as it existed at that moment, they would unhesitatingly have said that the source of his discomfiture, if discomfiture there were, was the queenly young woman who stood at the opposite side of the table, facing him. She was Patricia Langdon, sometimes, though rarely, addressed as Pat by her father; but he alone dared make use of the cognomen, since she invariably frowned upon such familiarities, even from him.

In private, among the women with whom she associated, she was frequently referred to as Juno; and when she was discussed by the gossips at the clubs, as she frequently was (for there are no greater nests of gossip in the world than the men's clubs of New York City), she was always Juno. There was a double and subtle purpose in both cases; one felt it rather a dangerous proceeding to speak criticizingly of Patricia Langdon, lest somehow what was said should get to her ears. She was one who knew how to retaliate, and to do so quickly. She was like a man in that she feared nothing, and hesitated at nothing, so long as she knew it to be right. A precedent had no force with her; if she desired to act, and there was no precedent for what she wished to do, she established one.

All her life, Patricia had been her father's chum; ever since she could remember, they had talked together of stocks and bonds, and puts and calls, and opening and closing quotations, and she knew every slang word that is uttered in "the street," that is used on the floor of the stock-exchange, or that appears in the financial columns of the newspapers.

And these two, father and daughter, were as much alike in outward bearing, in demeanor and in appearance, in gesture and in motion, as a man and a woman can be when the man is approaching seventy and the woman is only just past twenty. These two had been discussing an unprecedented circumstance. The daughter was plainly annoyed, as her glowing cheeks and flashing eyes evidenced. The man, if one could have read his innermost soul, was afraid; for he knew his daughter as no other person did, and he feared that he had gone, or was about to go, a step too far with her.

The room was the typical private office of a present-day financial king, who is banker as well as broker, and who speaks of millions, by fifties and hundreds, as a farmer talks of potatoes by the bushel. It was a large, square room, solidly but not luxuriantly furnished. The oblong table at which Stephen Langdon was seated, and upon which his daughter lightly rested the tips of the fingers of one hand, was one around which directors of various great corporations gathered, almost daily, to be told by "old Steve" what to do. Over in a far corner was a roll-top desk with a swivel chair, at which Langdon usually seated himself when he was attending to his correspondence, or looking over private papers; beside it was a huge safe, and beyond that another, smaller one. Then, there were several easy chairs upholstered in leather, a couch and two other desks. There were three doors: one of these communicated with the main office of Stephen Langdon & Company, Bankers and Brokers; another was a private entrance from the street that ran along the side of the building, which Langdon owned; the third communicated with a smaller room, really the sanctum sanctorum of Stephen Langdon, into which it was his habit to take any person with whom he wished to have an absolutely confidential chat.


Chapter 1 The Price
Chapter 2 One Woman Who Dared
Chapter 3 A Strange Betrothal
Chapter 4 The Box At The Opera
Chapter 5 Beatrice Brunswick's Plot
Chapter 6 A Remarkable Meeting
Chapter 7 The Bitterness Of Jealousy
Chapter 8 Between Darkness And Daylight
Chapter 9 Patricia's Cowboy Lover
Chapter 10 Monday, The Thirteenth
Chapter 11 Morton's Ultimatum
Chapter 12 The Quarrel
Chapter 13 Sally Garner's Plan
Chapter 14 Patricia's Wild Ride
Chapter 15 Almost A Tragedy
Chapter 16 The Automobile Wreck
Chapter 17 Cross-Purposes At Cedarcrest
Chapter 18 Mysteries Born In The Night
Chapter 19 Roderick Duncar Sees Light
Chapter 20 The Last Woman
Chapter 21 The Reason Why
Chapter 22 The Mystery

Softcover, 5¼" x 8¼", 200+ pages
Perfect-Bound - 11 point font - Illustrated

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