In 1987, former US Marine sniper Craig Roberts, a seasoned veteran of the Vietnam war, stood for the first time at the 6th floor "sniper's nest" window of the Texas Schoolbook Depository. As he looked down into what the US Government maintains was the kill zone used by Lee Harvey Oswald, he immediately knew that the Warren Commission's verdict that Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots in 5.6 seconds from a bolt-action rifle, killing John F. Kennedy was a lie.
At that moment Roberts, by then a 20-year veteran police officer and recognized authority on sniping, began an investigation that would last six years, take him into the shadow world of the clandestine intelligence community--and beyond. "Kill Zone" names the killers, lifts the veil of secrecy from the event, and takes the reader from Dealey Plaza 1963 to the New World Order and who is really in charge of the governments of the world--and who ordered Kennedy's death and why.
Page 46-47
According to Fletcher Prouty, "After the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy decided he would change the entire structure of how this government would carry out covert operations. He began transferring covert operations directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Shortly after this decision was made, he fired Allen Dulles as Chief of the CIA. That was the signal to the CIA of what Kennedy was going to do next-what he had done.
"Kennedy was changing the status quo, from Big Business to the military; from disgruntled intelligence agents to Cubans and their supporters---. Kennedy had to go. The mechanism was in place."
Add to this all of the other factors mentioned above and one has more than sufficient motive for murder.
But knocking off a foreign dictator is one thing. Taking out the President of the United States-inside the country-is something else. It would be an extremely dangerous prospect at best, a disaster to those concerned if anything went wrong. For the conspirators, it must have boiled down to "we may have a great deal to lose if things go wrong, but we have much, much more to gain if things go right." And after all, if the top players are well enough insulated, then the prospect of discovery decreased at every level of the operation.
Due to lack of sufficient hard evidence-since most has long since been altered or destroyed-it cannot be proved beyond all doubt what exactly happened at Dealey Plaza that day. However, by piecing together what we do know from the numerous sources and multitude that there should be no question that the case should be reopened and investigated by proper authorities.
It is now time to reconstruct the crime utilizing what is known, and in some areas, what we can logically speculate must have occurred.
End excerpt
Softbound, 6 x 8.5", 252 pages