Historical Reprints History Hidden Government

Hidden Government

Hidden Government
Catalog # SKU0307
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name J. Creagh Scott


Hidden Government

by Lt. Col. J. Creagh Scott

Hidden Government:

A look at the Hidden Hand as guided by the Protocols and its effects concerning Zionism, anti-Semitism, Palestine, money and exports, the Press, Communism and even Chrisitianity.

From the book:

    The contention of this book is that the amazing things bewidering and shattering the world today , are not haphazard or the result of coincidence, or even of what is sometimes called 'The onward march of events,' but are the outcome of a Master Plan of human, or, as some may think, inhuman, agency; into which Plan this book probes, in the general interest and for the safety of The Realm.

    "Governments do not govern, merely are the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand."

    "There is some hidden pressure behind all the worries of Europe, Asia and America."

    Lieutenant-Colonel John Creagh Scott, D.S.O., O.B.E., served with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in the South African War and was seriously wounded. In the First World War he took over temporary command of the 5/6th Royal Scots Fusiliers from Winston Churchill after the latter had been appointed to and important post at home.

    In addition to other distinctions he received the Croix de Guerre avec Etoile d'Or and was mentioned in despatches six times. He was a member of the the National Farmers Union, the Irish Farmers Federation, and the National Agricultural and Industrial Development Association of Eire.

77 pages
Paperback Booklet

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