Handwork In Wood

Handwork In Wood
Catalog # SKU1731
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name William Noyes


Handwork In Wood

William Noyes

TGS Survival Books Reprint: It is always possible that society will face a full blown depression. Having books like this in your library may offer the techniques and knowledge to add with your skills for survival. This volume covers the carpentry craft from the forest to the workshop.


No. 14. A cross-lap joint is a halved joint in which both members project both ways from the joint. This is a very common joint used in both carpentry and joinery, as where stringers cross each other in the same plane.

The two pieces are first dressed exactly to the required size, either separately or by the method of making duplicate parts, see Chap. IX. Lay one member, called X, across the other in the position which they are to occupy when finished and mark plainly their upper faces, which will be flush when the piece is finished. Locate the middle of the length of the lower piece, called Y, on one arris, and from this point lay off on this arris half the width of the upper piece, X. From this point square across Y with the knife and try-square. Lay X again in its place, exactly along the line just scored.

Then mark with the knife on Y the width of X, which may then be removed and the second line squared across Y. From these two lines square across both edges of Y to approximately one-half the thickness. Now turn X face down, lay Y on it, and mark it in the same way as Y. Set the gage at one-half the thickness of the pieces, and gage between the lines on the edges, taking care to hold the head of the gage against the marked faces. Then even if one piece is gaged so as to be cut a little too deep, the other will be gaged so as to be cut proportionately less, and the joint will fit.

Cut a slight triangular groove on the waste side of the knife-marks, Fig. 91, saw accurately to the gaged lines, and chisel out the waste as in a dado, see Figs. 70 and 71.

The bottom of the dado thus cut should be flat so as to afford surface for gluing. When well made, a cross-lap joint does not need to be pounded together but will fit tight under pressure of the hands.


General Bibliography

Chapter I. Logging
Mechanical Methods In Lumbering.
Logging References

Chapter II. Sawmilling
Sawmilling References

CHAPTER III. Seasoning
Practical Suggestions For Storing Lumber.
Wood Measurements.
The Seasoning and Measuring of Wood References

CHAPTER IV. Wood Hand Tools.
1. Cutting Tools.
2. Boring Tools.
3. Chopping Tools.
Wood Hand Tools References

Chapter IV. Wood Hand Tools Continued..
4. Scraping Tools.
5. Pounding Tools.
6. Holding Tools.
A. Tools for Holding Work.
B. Tools for holding other tools.
7. Measuring And Marking Tools.
8. Sharpening Tools.
9. Cleaning Tools.
Wood Hand Tools References

CHAPTER V. Wood Fastenings
Inserting Locks
Wood Fastenings References

CHAPTER VI. Equipment and Care of the Shop
The Care of the Woodworking Shop
Equipment And Care Of The Shop References

CHAPTER VII. The Common Joints
Heading Joints
Butt Joints
Modified Halving Joints
Mortise-And-Tenon Joints
Dovetail Joints
Beveled Joints
The Common Joints References

CHAPTER VIII. Types of Wooden Structures
(1) Simple Or Unjoined Pieces
(2) Board Structures.
(3) Panel Structures
(4) Framed Structures
Types of Wooden Structures References

CHAPTER IX. Principles of Joinery
The Principles Of Joinery References

CHAPTER X. Wood Finishing
Tools And Materials For Wood Finishing
Wood Finishing References

Softcover, 8½" x 10¾", 315+ pages
Perfect-Bound - Large Easy to Read Print - 14 pt

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