![HIDDEN WORLD Volume 7: THE SHAVER MYSTERY](http://www.hiddenmysteries.com/xcart/images/T/3515.jpg)
I have been reading stories by Richard Shaver for many a blue, hollow earth moon. In fact, at the age of 14 I was already a fan of Shaver's. Otherwise, why would I have written my first book on the subject of Shaver and his demented dero? Gray Barker published my initial humble work. The Shaver Mystery and the Inner Earth is still in print as Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth.
. The book has gone into so many printings, I can't remember exactly how many. Furthermore, it has been translated into a number of foreign languages (Korean and Japanese at least). Just like UFOs, which Shaver wrote about, the idea of a subsurface world never goes away.
Hidden World No. 7 is a very interesting edition. It contains two of Richard's longer extrapolations. They both border on the edge of incredibility. They are mesmerizing. They suck in your soul. They have not seen the light of printers ink in over 40 years, so collectors will get an additional adrenalin rush out of reading these.
I really get a kick out of Ray Palmer's editorial. You never know where he is going to go with his assertions. There always seems to be something holding him back from getting the issue out on time. He never quite says the Dero are tampering with the presses, but its sort of implied.
The conclusion of the article on the "Lost Tribes of Israel" which began in the previous edition is a phenomenon contribution to the subject. The Hidden World series has some really great material to offer. We have nine volumes left to publish. It may take us a while to get them out there into the market but we are determined to get them into the hands of those who NEED TO KNOW what Shaver had to offer.
It's a lot of material, but its well worth the effort to bring it all back in print, believe you me.
200 pages - 8x 10½ softcover
EAN: 9781606110898
ISBN: 10606110896