Green Girls

Green Girls
Catalog # SKU2664
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Fuckwell Alphonse Momas


Green Girls

(Alphonse Momas)

Vintage erotic fiction. Lusty, Bawdy tales from the late 1800s.



Profound silence pervaded the house of Mirzan at Chartres and nothing betrayed the discovery of the sad adventure which had happened within its walls. No sound of voices revealed the explosion of anger which emanated from Mr. Francis Mirzan when, called by his wife, he surprised his two children, Paul and Adelina, in the very act of libertinism.

Then came a severe flogging on the backs of the two criminals who were afterward shut up in their respective rooms, a torrent of words among which some epithets like scamp, culprits, wicked children destined to dishonor their parents and so forth; then the calm, the mothers tears, the fathers reflections, the decision to send them as boarders, one to a college and the other to a convent.

Mr. Francis Mirzan, a magistrate of the old school, was austerity itself and Mrs. Isabella Mirzan was of the most devout principles.

Paul Mirzan was thirteen years of age and received the personal correction with rage and fury; Adelina, a girl of fourteen, the more guilty of the two in the affair, received it with icy and haughty impassibility.

The children had been brought up at home. A clergyman gave them their lessons, and as no previous signs had announced the depraved instincts of the children, the incident came like lightning from a blue sky. Yet there were links connecting the event with the past.

Ever since her first communion celebrated when she was twelve years of age, Adelina was of a precocious and vivacious nature, and showed signs of a sudden inquisitiveness which inflamed her blood. She was tall for her age, slender, with fine limbs, a pretty, fair-complexioned girl with innocent eyes which hid from ordinary observers her true lustful thoughts.


Then she leaned on her elbows, rounding the lower part of her loins; he tucked-up her petticoats, opened her drawers, and not denying himself a careful inspection, contemplated with enraptured eyes, the whiteness of her bottom.

They both drew a deep sigh and hastily resumed their seats, for they seemed to hear the noise of footsteps. After the noise had subsided, they studied for another minute, then the priest drew Adelina to his breast and sucked her lips for the first time.

The girl wanted very much to continue the sport, so she returned the caress skillfully, stooped a little forward, when the priest unbuttoned his cassock and gently fingered the hairy monster he presented to her.

Printed in a large 12 point font for ease of reading

135+ pages - 8¼ X 5&¼ softcover

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