Great Secret, The

Great Secret, The
Catalog # SKU0813
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Maurice Maeterlinck


The Great Secret

Life's Meaning as Revealed
through Ancient, Hidden Traditions

by: Maurice Maeterlinck

The Great Secret
Life's Meaning as Revealed through
Ancient, Hidden Traditions

Author: Maurice Maeterlinck

This book, written by Nobel Prize-winner Maurice Maeterlinck, should be the essential text for those seeking the hidden origin of religion and the meaning of life itself. The author explored the world's hidden mysteries for many years until stumbling upon a startling insight. This spiritual insight from long ago is revealed early in the book. He then follows it with a complete history of what arose on that foundation - how the secret was carried to other ancient cultures around the world, then up into modern times.

In exploring the mystical side of history Maeterlinck delves into the hidden secrets of initiates and holy men rather than explore accepted dogmas. What becomes clear is that the Great Secret cannot be grasped in a simple way -- despite Maeterlinck's brilliant work toward revealing it. We seek it through forms of communicaiton, yet achieving it involves no outside communication at all. It is inner work that reveals it. Books and sacred texts can still point us in the right direction, which is what this book does in such a brilliant and masterful way.

When the evil dragons of history were carried over to the Western world, we found ourselves with 'Satan', who inherited the dragon's horns, red color tail, cloven hoofs, and wings. This was no coincidence. The name of Satan (Shatan) also came from an Oriental language of the East -- out of Persia. Most of us in the West have no idea of the depth and magnitude of dragon lore in the Eastern World, but that is the most important part of the dragon story. This book is rich with facts and is extremely well researched.

It will cause one to wonder why so many dragon stories from so many different places around the world seem to have so much in common.

Softbound, 267 pages

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