Spirituality-Religions Sacred Texts Gospel of the Holy Twelve

Gospel of the Holy Twelve

Gospel of the Holy Twelve
Catalog # SKU1490
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 2.10 lbs
Author Name Gideon Jasper Richard Ouseley
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


The Gospel
of the
Holy Twelve

Also Known as
The Gospel
of the Perfect Life

Translated From the Original Aramaic By
Rev. Gideon Jasper Richard Ouseley

In 1881, an Irish clergyman, Rev. G. J. Ouseley, claimed to have discovered the Original Gospel from which the present Four Gospels were derived. He claimed this original gospel "was hidden by some of the Essene Community for safety from the hands of the corrupters, and is now for the first time translated from the Aramaic."

13 point font


According to Ouseley, "The early Christian Fathers did well their work of destroying the sources and records from which they gathered the information and data put by them in the Bible. But they failed to destroy it all. Some escaped, and as it is discovered here and there by patient research workers, it is astonishing to see how the world has been deceived by the Christian Fathers. These 'correctors' (men authorized to 'correct' the text of Scripture in the interests of what was considered orthodoxy) cut out of the Gospels, with minute care, certain teachings of Our Lord's which they did not propose to follow; namely, those against flesh eating, such as accounts of our Lord's interference, on several occasions, to save animals from ill treatment, and even the interesting and important teachings ever prominent in Eastern scriptures."

These early "correctors" were hired by the Church Fathers at the Council of Nicea to alter the original text of the Gospels, leaving out those doctrines that were obnoxious to their emperor, Constantine, whom they desired to convert to Christianity, of which he opposed. Chief among these objectionable doctrines were the prohibition against the use of flesh meat and alcohol, and the recommendation of kindness to animals, all of which constituted the fundamental doctrines of the teachings of Christ. On this point, Udny wrote, "The great significance of the corruption of the Text lies rather in the nature of the matter stricken out by the 'correctors' than in the amount. It is evident that the 'correctors' and those who appointed them were at least unwilling to denounce their beef and beer, a convenient alliteration for flesh and alcohol."

In the original Aramaic gospel, the duty of abstaining from meat and wine were emphasized, while in the later "canonized" versions, they were omitted. Since those who founded the organized Christian Church, like their emperor Constantine, were meat eaters and drinkers of wine, they were obviously opposed to these doctrines whose acceptance would involve a transformation of their living habits. They interpreted "Thou shalt not kill" to imply that the commandment applied only to humans and that the slaughter of animals was not killing.

The Original Gospel, representing the teachings of Christ, the Lord of Love, taught harmlessness and compassion to all living beings, including both animals and humans. For the reasons stated above, the Roman Churchmen at Nicea opposed these doctrines and eliminated them from the Gospels, which they radically changed so as to be acceptable to Constantine who loved the many meats and flowing wine of his midnight feasts far too much to accept a religion that prohibited these fleshly pleasures. This was a main reason why he so bitterly persecuted the early Christians who advocated these doctrines.

For this reason, these "Church Fathers" changed the Gospel in such a way that Love and Compassion were limited only to human beings, but the animal expressions of life were excluded from receiving these benefits. The Love of Our Savior embraces not only mankind, but also the so-called lower creatures of God, sharers with us in the one breath of life. Are we to ignore the words of our Savior, "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, but not one of them is forgotten by God"? How is it possible to doubt that the Savior would have pity and compassion on the creatures that must bear their pain in silence? Would it not seem a blasphemy if it were said that He would endorse the ill treatment of any helpless animals?

When he brought redemption to a world of flesh oriented selfishness, hard-heartedness and misery, and proclaimed the gospel of all embracing love, there was a share in this redemption for all suffering creatures that are subject to man. When man opened his heart to His divine love, there could be no room left in it for hardness toward the other creatures of God, who have, like himself, been called into life with a capacity for enjoyment and suffering.

Those who bear the mark of the Redeemer practice His abounding love. The minimum of compassion for helpless creatures demands of us not to inflict on them torture; to help them when they are in trouble, or when they appeal to us for succor; and, if out of necessity we must take their life to end their suffering, to let it be a speedy death with the least pain. How little we now perceive these divine lessons of mercy and compassion. How many grievous tortures are inflicted on them, under the pretense of science, or to gratify an unnatural appetite of our own flesh, or cruel lusts, or the promptings of vanity.

In this Original Gospel written in Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus the Christ while here on the earth, teachings concerning the barbarous practice of animal sacrifices recommended by the Old Testament - a book currently accepted as holy and divinely inspired by both the Jews and Christians - was abolished and rejected by the New Christian Church, so that it never played a part in Christianity as it did in original Judaism. After the Council of Nicea, when this original gospel was changed to suit Constantine and converted into four separate gospels, "Jesus Christ" was replaced by a false supernaturalism.

Softcover, 7" x 8½", 250+ pages


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