Another in our series of survival books. These overlooked techniques and knowledge of the past may indeed be our salvation for the future. TGS Publishing
The Agriculture of America has seemed to me to demand some light upon the subject of Drainage; some work, which, with an exposition of the various theories, should give the simplest details of the practice, of draining land. This treatise is an attempt to answer that demand, and to give to the farmers of our country, at the same time, enough of scientific principles to satisfy intelligent inquiry, and plain and full directions for executing work in the field, according to the best known rules.
It has been my endeavor to show what lands in America require drainage, and how to drain them best, at least expense; to explain how the theories and the practice of the Old World require modification for the cheaper lands, the dearer labor, and the various climate of the New; and, finally, to suggest how, through improved implements and processes, the inventive genius of our country may make the brain assist and relieve the labor of the hand.
With some hope that my humble labors, in a field so broad, may not have entirely failed of their object, this work is offered to the attention of American farmers.
A Book upon Farm Drainage! What can a person find on such a subject to write a book about? A friend suggests, that in order to treat any one subject fully, it is necessary to know everything and speak of everything, because all knowledge is in some measure connected.
With an earnest endeavor to clip the wings of imagination, and to keep not only on the earth, but to burrow, like a mole or a sub-soiler, in it, with a painful apprehension lest some technical term in Chemistry or Philosophy should falsely indicate that we make pretensions to the character of a scientific farmer, or some old phrase of law-Latin should betray that we know something besides agriculture, and so, are not worthy of the confidence of practical men, we have, nevertheless, by some means, got together more than a bookfull of matter upon our subject.
Our publisher says our book must be so large, and no larger-and we all know that an author is but as a grasshopper in the hands of his publisher, and ought to be very thankful to be allowed to publish his book at all. So we have only to say, that if there is any chapter in this book not sufficiently elaborate, or any subject akin to that of drainage, that ought to have been embraced in our plan and is not, it is because we have not space for further expansion. The reader has our heartfelt sympathy, if it should happen that the very topic which most interests him, is entirely omitted, or imperfectly treated; and we can only advise him to write a book himself, by way of showing proper resentment, and put into it everything that everybody desires most to know.
A book that shall contain all that we do not know on the subject of drainage, would be a valuable acquisition to agricultural literature, and we bespeak an early copy of it when published.
List Of Engravings.
Chapter Synopsis
Chapter 1. Introductory.
Chapter 2. History Of The Art Of Draining.
Chapter 3 Rain, Evaporation, And Filtration.
Chapter 4 Drainage Of High Lands-What Lands Require Drainage.
Chapter 5 Various Methods Of Drainage.
Chapter 6 Drainage With Tiles.
Chapter 7 Direction, Distance, And Depth Of Drains.
Chapter 8 Arrangement Of Drains.
Chapter 9 The Cost Of Tiles-Tile Machines.
Chapter 10 The Cost Of Drainage.
Chapter 11 Draining Implements.
Chapter 12 Practical Directions For Opening Drains And Laying Tiles.
Chapter 13 Effects Of Drainage Upon The Condition Of The Soil.
Chapter 14 Drainage Adapts The Soil To Germination And Vegetation.
Chapter 15 Temperature As Affected By Drainage.
Chapter 16. Power Of Soils To Absorb And Retain Moisture.
Chapter 17 Injury Of Land By Drainage.
Chapter 18 Obstruction Of Drains.
Chapter 19 Drainage Of Stiff Clays.
Chapter 20 Effect Of Drainage On Streams And Rivers.
Chapter 21 Legislation-Drainage Companies.
Chapter 22 Drainage Of Cellars.
Chapter 23 Drainage Of Swamps.
Chapter 24 American Experiments In Drainage-Drainage In Ireland.
Softcover, 6¾" x 8¼", 395+ pages