Historical Reprints Fiction FLIGHT OF THE PUSSYWILLOW


Catalog # SKU1791
Publisher InnerLight/Global
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Mama San Ra'ab Rampa



Mama San Ra'ab Rampa

Tim Beckley's Inner Light brings another of the Rampa books back to the forefront of attention by truth seekers, and for those interested in the study of the spiritual. This virtually unknown book was written by T. Lobsang Rampa's wife, who also held his love for the cat. Though fiction in style, the spiritual truth comes through, as though it were another of Aesop's Fables.

From the Author:

Lobsang Rampa knows the truth. He knows what he believes in and he is the person he claims to be. When the changeover occurred we had a very beautiful tabby cat with a silver coat and his attitude was surprising. Our tabby cat had ex-traordinary reactions towards the one I could call the New One. He showed an un-usual respect towards him and anyone who saw him would have been most im-pressed by the wisdom of one of these 'dumb animals'.

As far as I know there is only one way to evaluate the declarations of my husband. It consists of reading all his books from the beginning to end. That's where the truth is. I am a registered Nurse and as such have a lot of experience concerning the observations of people, their attitudes, reactions or changes. Therefore I declare that everything Rampa has said is true, as far as I know. One of the most unpleasant things is the fierce hatred felt by some of the press.

Yet those who react so harshly have declared publicly that they had read none of the books. Didn't a critic recently assert he had read one or two pages but did not want to continue reading it?

Surprisingly, he began a fierce attack against a book he hadn't read! How, under those conditions can you 'reveal' anything to one whose mind is so closed? When a person doesn't want to believe, no proof in the world, or beyond this world would convince him. The belief has to come from the per-son himself.

One thing is clear, several persons have without respite attempted to get rid of Lob-sang Rampa and to prevent him from writing. They haven't succeeded and they never will. As far as I know, Lobsang Rampa never was a plumber, and he is not today either...

When 'The Third Eye' was published I made a declaration to the press. It was com-pletely distorted. The press twisted my words and succeeded in making me claim that Rampa was an impostor. It is false, I have never thought nor claimed that he was an im-postor. On the contrary, I assert, as I've always said that his books are true...

I am my husband's wife, and when a woman is married to a man, she understands him, his moods, his peculiarities. If, suddenly, everything changes in him, if it becomes evident to the woman that she lives with another man, a really different man, we have to accept the reality of the way it is. It can't be proved. I was in this situation. I saw a change occurring, I observed how the transmigration happened. However, I continued to live with him. But everything is different. We live rather like brother and sister, both making the best of the difficult situation we are in. But as I've witnessed all theses things, as I've experienced it, there remains no doubt it is the truth.


SINDHI is a cat, a Siamese cat, and although she is not living on the earth now she is very much alive elsewhere. It was one of the more positive acts of my life that I cared for this little person during the very short time she was with us.

We had been in Canada a little over one year when we met her, and she had a most charming way of getting around one, of getting her own way. At her best she was most affectionate, tucking her small head under my chin as I held her, telling me in cat language that she loved me.

How did I find myself with a third cat person when there were two Sia-mese people already quite well established in the household? Well, really I had little choice in the matter because a man who was employed in a pet shop asked if a home could be found for her. He had heard about Miss Ku'ei and Mrs. Fifi and he said he understood we were very fond of cats, especially Siamese, and that we understood them. He had a feeling that Sindhi was not happy and would we please go and see her at his home where we could find his wife, and talk to her.

Since I have mentioned Ku'ei and Fifi, and if you have read 'Living with the Lama', it will be apparent who 'we' are. I am 'Ma' to cats, and I am proud of the fact that Mrs. Grey-whiskers paid me the great honor of dedicating her book to me. The other one of 'us' is the 'Guv' to cats, and he was kind enough to translate the contents of 'Living with the Lama' from cat language into words which could be understood by humans. Since cats make pictures instead of words this must have entailed quite a bit of ingenuity on the part of the Guv, and a good amount of cooperation from Fifi.

At that time we had a fairly big car, a used one, otherwise we would not have been driving around in a color combination of pink and gold. It was rather like a woman wearing a pink or a vivid red outfit - in a few days she would be recognized a mile away. Each time we took out our pink Mercury we could imagine everybody in the neighborhood shrieking 'Here they come! With their cat an' all!' It was the very same automobile which nearly scared the daylights out of Miss Ku'ei and me when the steer-ing "went" one day while we sped along the Tecumseh road towards Windsor.

Ku'ei was definitely the motoring type and whenever possible she went with us, either shopping or sight-seeing, even when we collected the mail from the post office at Walkerville, near Windsor; hence the re-marks 'here they come with their cat!'

As we drove along to the pet shop man's home I wondered what Ku'ei was thinking about it all, but then I decided 'sufficient unto the day-' Eventually we found the house and the Guv stayed in the car while I went to the door and rang the bell while just at that moment Mrs. Pet shop Man appeared in the entrance. As I discussed with her the reason for our visit she seemed most relieved and told me that her nerves were bad; the cat was getting her down and she doubted if she could stand it any longer. A wailing noise was coming from someplace inside, a voice which could only be that of a Siamese, and then Sindhi appeared. A poor thin little creature looking so pathetic, and no wonder, for the woman had no doubt transmitted her nervous state to the tiny bundle of fur standing there. 'What can you do about it?' the woman queried of us; 'I doubt if I could stand it another night,' she continued. 'Can't you take her and find her a home?'

By this time the Guv had approached and was taking control of the situation. He could see she was neurotic (a very thin discontented individ-ual) and she was imploring us to take the cat, the cat who was so obviously very miserable.

What COULD WE DO? We had two mature Lady cats at home who were getting along quite well together, so what was going to happen if we came home with Sindhi? Quickly we decided, and as soon as we had bun-dled ourselves into the auto and Mrs. Pet shop had waved her gratitude, Sindhi, who must have been about one year old, let out the most piercing yowl. She told the world in general that she must have a tom; so here we were, faced with another dilemma. While she was in this condition it was impossible to take her home to our apartment so we thought we had better make a detour and call at the office of our friend, Mr. L. the veterinarian, hoping we would find him there. He had treated Fifi and Ku'ei when the humidity of Windsor had caused discomfort in their ears, and Ku'ei had had eye trouble also, necessitating the removal of the inner eyelid which was beginning to enlarge and soon would have covered the entire eye.

This was a phenomenon peculiar to the Windsor area and, in our opinion, caused through excessive spraying of insecticide all around the side streets where there were trees and bushes, and which had been carried in the air on to the plants and grass of our garden. The little cat nestled close to me as we drove along, quiet for a while; then came another piercing shriek, 'I want a tom, I must have a tom!' Poor little girl cat; we found she had sight in only one eye and we commented that she looked like Egyptian Nefertiti as she also had one blind eye. Anyway, we took to the little creature and we told her that soon she would be living with us; soon she would be sharing our home.

Softcover, 8" x 10¾", 125+ pages
Perfect-Bound - Large Print 16 point font - Illustrated

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