Spirituality-Religions Delivered Information Embracing The Rainbow : Handbook for the New Paradigm VOL 2

Embracing The Rainbow : Handbook for the New Paradigm VOL 2

Embracing The Rainbow : Handbook for the New Paradigm VOL 2
Catalog # SKU0562
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Benevolent Energies


Embracing The Rainbow
Handbook for the New Paradigm Vol 2

by Benevolent Energies



The question of "who?" is the focusing energy of the "messages" is a difficult question to answer tactfully and yet completely. "Isness" is the focus to be sought by each individual awareness. As each expands within the process of self-identification so does the ability to allow the flow of "Isness" to move through their experience. Each will attract into their awareness knowledge to live into wisdom. The vibratory rate of the planetary environment and of the members of humanity on earth is low enough that this ability is currently virtually inaccessible. To assist willing members of mankind to access the necessary information to provide a way to transcend this current aberrant state, various volunteer awareness points within higher vibrational frequencies have acted as booster stations to focus this information through those willing to participate on the earth plane. Knowing the custom of earth's inhabitants requiring the "personify to identify" mode, names from the exotic to the ridiculous have been given as sources of this information. The information included exercises in discernment, most participants failed the discernment tests. Much was filled with profound truth, but much of it was drained of energy by the continual parade of victims wanting their personal problems solved for them. The information became distorted as the foci were withdrawn and the volunteers winged it (faked it) on their own for their sincerity was lost in the notoriety and greed that resulted.

In view of this history, it was the mutual agreement between the parties involved in the dictation/translation/transcription process for these messages that the identities of the foci involved would remain unidentified and there would be no monetary rewards whatsoever involved. Further, there would be no personal information disseminated for any one individual's benefit. The totality of the foci involved is for the benefit of the planet and its inhabitants, period! The truth of the messages is to be discerned and used for the benefit of humanity first and then gleaned by the individual to apply personally as part of the wholeness to which it is focused without the necessity of personal names to identify truth. If that is not understood, then the messages need to be read again to transcend this need into commitment to the holographic intention of the information they contain.

It is hoped that the succinctness of this message is accepted in the tone of importance in which it is intended. The window of opportunity to accomplish the necessary monumental consciousness transition is small compared to the obstacles within the human belief systems that must be literally dissolved so that the whole may be transformed.

It is sincerely hoped that the truth contained will be a sword that cuts through the armor of deception and lays open the hearts and minds of the necessary quotient for success.

Softbound, 4.5 x 7, 142 pages

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