Historical Reprints History Desert Nation: Syria

Desert Nation: Syria

Desert Nation: Syria
Catalog # SKU2380
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Howard Crosby Butler, William Halifax, G. A. Harrer, Frederick D. Allen, William Hayes Ward, William Kelley Prentice, Clarence Ward, A. L. Frothingham, J. Dyneley Prince, James Hadley, J. Renwick Metheny, Adolph Bucher, W. Buckhardt Barker, Unknown, Willi
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


Desert Nation: Syria
Land of a Lost Civilization

Howard Crosby Butler, William Halifax,
G. A. Harrer, Frederick D. Allen,
William Hayes Ward, William Kelley Prentice,
Clarence Ward, A. L. Frothingham,
J. Dyneley Prince, James Hadley,
J. Renwick Metheny, Adolph Bucher,
W. Buckhardt Barker, William Allen,
John Hogg, Samuel Ives Curtiss,
Ghosn El Howie, James A. Montgomery,
S. N. D., H. Wernekke

Research into a land and people that is as old as the Noah story.



- Desert Syria Land of a Lost Civilization
- Aleppo to Palmyra Syria
- Was Arrian Governor of Syria?
- Public Works in Syria
- Greek Inscription From Gerasa, Syria
- Two Idols From Syria
- Magic Formulas On Lintels in Syria
- The Temple at Mushennef, Hauran Syria
- Mithraic Relief from Syria
- Babylonian Equations for Syria
- Greek Inscription from Daphne, Syria
- Road Notes from North Syria
- Sources of Joseph For Syrian History
- River Orantes in Syria
- Dead Sea and Positions in Syria
- Island of Ruad North Syria
- City of Ablila Syria
- Ancient Religion of Syria
- Research in Syria 1903
- New Sculptures Discovered in Coele, Syria
- Graeco-Roman Civilization of Syria
- Ancient Glass from Syria
- Domestic Architeture in Syria
- Moslem Account on Origin of Christian Sects in Syria



320 pages - 8½ x 11 softcover

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