Spirituality-Religions Sacred Texts Dao De Jing : Scripture of the Way and its Virtues

Dao De Jing : Scripture of the Way and its Virtues

Dao De Jing : Scripture of the Way and its Virtues
Catalog # SKU1413
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Lao Zi


Dao De Jing

Scripture of the Way and its Virtues

By Lao Zi
Translator: Charles Muller

This sameness is the mystery, Mystery within mystery; The door to all marvels.


All in the world recognize the beautiful as beautiful.

Herein lies ugliness.

All recognize the good as good.

Herein lies evil.


Being and non-being produce each other.

Difficulty and ease bring about each other.

Long and short delimit each other.

High and low rest on each other.

Sound and voice harmonize each other.

Front and back follow each other.

Therefore the sage abides in the condition of wu-wei
(unattached action).

And carries out the wordless teaching.

Here, the myriad things are made, yet not separated.

Therefore the sage produces without possessing,

Acts without expectations

And accomplishes without abiding in her accomplishments.

It is precisely because she does not abide in them

That they never leave her.

Softcover, 5" x 8", 90+ pages


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