by Will Thomas
The definitive study on Chemtrails from the most researched materials.
Deteriorating weather conditions are often observed in the wake of
an activity referred to by the US Air Force as "aerial obscuration".
These unpredicted weather changes include sudden temperature drops,
high winds, unusually heavy or unseasonable precipitation, and murky
overcasts on days forecast for "sunny weather".
Is it possible for fleets of spray aircraft to alter the heat balance of
weather systems containing more energy that all atomic arsenals corn-
As a self-proclaimed high-level military source involved in atmos-
pheric research emailed me:
From the basic theorems of the '60's and '70's, the modeling
of the '80's and '90's, we probably have a basis for some large-
scale experiments and might be glimpsing the results. Being an
old 'weather mod' person, I've been accustomed to the adage
that a little goes a long way. With proper conditions (most of
the time in January and February) the striking of a match, pre-
laced with Iodine, on a silver coin would turn a serene valley
into a blinding snow storm in a short time."
Concurrent with this toxic sky spraying, in timing and location too
drastic and too often occurring to be coincidence, epidemics of sudden,
acute and sometimes fatal illness continue to occur among populations
exposed to chemical clouds.
Widespread accounts of a "metallic taste" in the mouth, odors of
petroleum, difficulty in breathing and other acute allergic reactions by
observers on the ground suggest that the rapid fall-rate of highly aller-
genic IP-8 jet fuel, as well as other toxic chemicals present in varying
spray mixes, may be major factors in adverse health reactions among
residents of heavily sprayed areas.
The prevalence of fungal infections in 99% of surveyed sufferers
from Chemtrail-Related illness, and the growing belief among promi-
nent health researchers that novel forms of fungi are responsible for
many mystery ailments, lends credence to this author's theoiy that rap-
idly descending particulates in chemtrail fallout are bringing airborne
bacteria, viruses and fungi "down to Earth" - and into lungs unprepared
to confront these unfamiliar life-forms.
Softbound, 325+pages 6x8 inches