Historical Reprints History Buddhist Bible - The Life of Buddha

Buddhist Bible - The Life of Buddha

Buddhist Bible - The Life of Buddha
Catalog # SKU1797
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name A. Ferdinand Herold & Dwight Goddard


A Buddhist Bible
The Life of Buddha

Two Books in One Volume

Dwight Goddard
A. Ferdinand Herold

Most studies show that nearly all religions originated in India, and what we see today are mere variants of those early religions of mankind. Buddhism is no different. Its moral dogmas have been copied into many other religions and portions of the life of Buddha himself have be re-created under the names of other prophets and gods. There is nothing new under the sun. This is a massive study of Buddha and Buddhist beliefs.

From the Author

INDIAN TYPES of ethical and philosophical Buddhism did not easily find acceptance in China; it took centuries of contact before a distinctively Chinese adaptation of Buddhism was effected that proved to be congenial to Chinese soil. This Chinese type of Buddhism is called Ch'an in China, and Zen in Japan, and Zen seems to be the more familiar name for it in America and Europe. Other sects have risen and decreased but they proved to be more or less exotic, they never became indigenous as did Zen. An exception may be suspected in the case of the Pure Land Sects, but it should be remembered that the Pure Land Sects developed from Zen and not independently.

To tell the story of this adaptation of the Indian type of Buddhism until it became fixed in the teachings of the Sixth Patriarch, is the purpose of this book. The main part of the book is given over to English Versions of the favorite scriptures of the Zen Sect. To this is added Historical and Literary Introductions and a few notes that seem to be called for to make certain phases of the Sutras more easily intelligible.

Let us recall the fact that the knowledge of Buddhism in America and Europe has all come within a hundred years. For seventy-five years of that time it was presented largely by Christian linguistic scholars who were more or less unconsciously prejudiced against it and who very imperfectly understood its deeper implications. It is only within the last twenty-five years that books written by competent and sympathetic Buddhist scholars have begun to appear.

Moreover, knowledge of Buddhism has come at first through translations of Pali texts which represent an older and more primitive type of Buddhism. It is only recently that the great Sanskrit texts, revealing the later philosophical and metaphysical riches of the Mahayana type, have been translated and appreciated. Buddhism was represented by the earlier Christian scholars as being "atheistic" and "pessimistic," which a more sympathetic study of the Sanskrit texts has shown to be a misunderstanding and a misrepresentation.

Surely, an eternal process based on unchanging law and leading to peace of mind and self-less compassion and the self-giving of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, and the undifferentiated Love and Wisdom which is Buddhahood and Dharmakaya is far removed from "atheism"; and the "Blissful peace and cessation of change," and the self-realisation of Noble Wisdom, have nothing in common with "pessimism." But intelligent interest in Buddhism is increasing and the old time question, that used to be the only question, "What is Buddhism?" is giving way to a new question, "What type of Buddhism is best adapted to meet modern questions and modern problems?" To answer these questions is this book presented.

Ch'an Buddhism in China and Korea and Zen in Japan, for a thousand years, have been powerful in moulding the spiritual, ethical and cultural life of great nations.

Today, when Christianity seems to be slipping, it is the most promising of all the great religions to meet the problems of European civilisation which to thinking people are increasingly forboding. Zen Buddhism, with its emphasis on mind-control, its dispassionate rationality, its cheerful industry, not for profit but for service, its simple-hearted love for all animate life, its restraint of desire in all its subtil manifestations, its subjection of desire to wisdom and kindness, its practical and efficient rule of life, its patient acceptance of karma and reincarnation, and its actual foretaste of the blissful peace of Nirvana, all mark it out as being competent to meet the problems of this materialistic and acquisitive age.


THUS HAVE I HEARD. Upon a memorable occasion, the Lord Buddha sojourned in the kingdom of Shravasti, lodging in the grove of Jeta, a park within the royal domain which Jeta, the heir-apparent, had bestowed upon Sutana, a minister of state renouned for his charities and benefactions. With the Lord Buddha there were assembled twelve hundred and fifty mendicant disciples, besides many who had attained to eminent degrees of spiritual wisdom.

As the hour for the morning meal approached, Lord Buddha attired in a mendicant's robe and carrying an alms bowl, walked towards the great cry of Shravasti which he entered to beg for food. Within the city he went from door to door and received such gifts as the good people severally bestowed. Concluding this religious exercise, the Lord Buddha returned to the grove of Jeta and after bathing his sacred feet partook of the frugal meal which he had received as alms. Thereafter he divested himself of the mendicant's robe, laid aside the alms bowl and accepted the seat of honor which his disciples had reserved for him.

The venerable Subhuti, who occupied a place in the midst of the assembly, rose from his seat, arranged his robe so that his right shoulder was exposed, pressing the palms of his hands together, and kneeling upon his right knee, respectfully bowed to the Lord Buddha, saying: "Thou art of transcendent wisdom, Honored of the Worlds!

With wonderful solicitude thou dost instruct in the Dharma and preserve in the faith this illustrious assembly of enlightened disciples. Blessed One, may I beseech of you to discourse upon the theme: How should a disciple who has entered upon the path behave? How should he advance? How should he restrain his thoughts? How may he realise Buddahood? What immutable Truth is there that shall sustain the mind of a good disciple, who is seeking to attain supreme spiritual wisdom, and bring into subjection every inordinate desire?"

The Lord Buddha replied to Sabuti, saying: "Truly a most excellent theme. Attend diligently unto me and I will enunciate a Truth whereby the mind of a good disciple, whether man or woman, seeking to attain supreme spiritual wisdom shall be adequately sustained and enabled to bring into subjection every inordinate desire. "Subhuti, it is by the Truth of emptiness and egolessness that enlightened disciples are to advance along the Path, to restrain their thoughts, to attain Buddahood. If they diligently observe the Paramitas, and fully enter into a realisation of the profound Prajna Paramita, they will attain the supreme spiritual wisdom they seek."


A Buddhist Bible
History of Ch'an Buddhism
Self-Realisation of Noble Wisdom
Chapter I Discrimination
Chapter II False-Imagination and Knowledge of Appearances
Chapter III Right Knowledge or Knowledge of Relations
Chapter IV Perfect Knowledge or Knowledge of Reality
Chapter V The Mind System
Chapter VI Transcendental Intelligence
Chapter VII Self-Realisation
Chapter VIII The Attainment of Self- Realisation
Chapter IX The Fruit of Self- Realisation
Chapter X Discipleship: Lineage of the Arhats
Chapter XI Bodhisattvahood and Its Stages
Chapter XII Tathagatahood Which Is Noble Wisdom
Chapter XIII Nirvana
The Diamond Sutra
Vajracchedika Sutra
Dana Paramita--Ideal Charity
Sila Paramita--Ideal Behavior
Kshanti Paramita--Ideal Patience
Virya Paramita--Ideal Zeal
Dhyana Paramita--Ideal Tranquillity
Prajna Paramita--Ideal Wisdom
Sutra of Transcendental Wisdom
Sutra of The Sixth Patriarch
Chapter I Autobiography of Hui-Neng
Chapter II Discourse on Prajna
Chapter III Discourse on Dhyana and Samadhi
Chapter IV Discourse on Repentance
Chapter V Discourse on the Three-Bodies of Buddha
Chapter VI Dialogues Suggested by Various Temperaments and Circumstances
Chapter VII Sudden Enlightenment and Gradual Attainment
Chapter VIII Royal Patronage
Chapter IX Final Words and Death of the Patriarch

The Life of Buddha
Part One
1. King Suddhodana and Queen Maya
2. Maya's Dream
3. The Birth of Siddhartha
4. Asita's Prediction
5. Siddhartha at the Temple
6. Siddhartha's First Meditation
7. The Marriage of Siddhartha
8. Siddhartha Leads a Life of Pleasure
9. The Three Encounters
10. Gopa's Dream
11. Siddhartha is Eager to Know the Great Truths
12. Siddhartha Leaves His Father's Palace
13. Siddhartha the Hermit
14. Gopa and Suddhodana Grieve
15. The Doctrine of Arata Kalama
16. Siddhartha and King Vimbasara
17. Siddhartha Deserted by His First Disciples
18. Siddhartha Under the Tree of Knowledge
19. Mara's Defeat
20. Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha

Part Two
1. Trapusha and Bhallika
2. The Buddha is Prepared to Preach the Doctrine
3. The Buddha Leaves for Benares
4. The Buddha Finds His Former Disciples
5. The Story of the Hermit and the Hare
6. The Story of Padmaka
7. The Buddha at the Bamboo Grove
8. Sariputra and Maudgalyayana
9. The Buddha Pacifies the Malcontents of Rajagriha
10. Suddhodana Sends Messengers to His Son
11. The Story of the Crane and the Fish
12. The Story of Visvantara
13. The Story of Dharmapala
14. Gopa's Great Virtue
15. Nanda Renounces Royalty
16. The Buddha Leaves Kapilavastu
17. Anathapindika's Offering
18. The New Disciples
19. Nanda's Pride
20. The Death of Suddhodana

Part Three
1. Mahaprajapati is Admitted to the Community
2. The Buddha Exposes the Imposters
3. Suprabha
4. Virupa
5. Sinca's Deceit
6. The Buddha Tames a Wild Buffalo
7. Dissension Among the Monks
8. Kuvalaya the Dancer
9. The God Alavaka Defeated by the Buddha
10. Devadatta Expelled from the Community
11. Ajatasatru's Treachery
12. The Death of Devadatta
13. Prasenajit and Ajatasatru
14. The Buddha Teaches the Doctrine
15. The Buddha and the Shepherd
16. The Buddha Instructs the Monks of Vaisali
17. The Meal at Cunda's
18. The Buddha Enters Nirvana

Softcover, 8" x 10¾", 290+ pages
Perfect-Bound - Large Print 12 point font

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