Historical Reprints Religion Biblical Extracts

Biblical Extracts

Biblical Extracts
Catalog # SKU3696
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Robert Cooper
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


Biblical Extracts

The Holy Scriptures Analyzed;
Showing Its Contradictions,
Absurdities, and Immoralities

Robert Cooper

The distinguishing characteristic of the present age, is the freedom of inquiry and discussion which prevails upon all subjects; and most particularly upon religious subjects. Intelligent and thinking men of every class, are beginning to investigate and discuss questions of the latter kind with considerable closeness, fearlessness and determination.

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They are now resolved no longer to be hoodwinked with the veil of prejudice, enchained with the trammels of superstition, or deluded by the Hosted by or intimidated by the denunciations of a crafty and intolerant priesthood; but to examine for themselves-"to prove all things, and hold fast that which is good." And long have the priesthood dreaded, and anxiously have they endeavored to procrastinate, the arrival of this period. Long have they been apprehensive of the development of intellect, and the enlightenment of mind. Long have they feared the advent of that era which will hail the dawn of rationality and advancement. And why?

Because they knew full well, ignorant and superstitious as many of them may appear, that when intellect and rationality become the main-springs of society-when men begin dispassionately and philosophically to examine into the mysteries and workings of religion, that all their impositions will be discovered, all their craftiness detected, and all their designs and practices fully exposed. And, when once this is done, they are conscious that their influence over the people, would immediately decline, and ultimately fall.

This has already in some measure proved true. For by the many bold and daring innovations, which have been made by a Paine, a Voltaire, a Mirabaud, a Volney, a Taylor, a Howitt, and an Owen, upon what is arrogantly called the consecrated ground of religion, their influence has materially declined, and has every prospect of still continuing to do so. And this they know-this they feel. Hence, the terrific thunderbolts of indignation and anathema which they have hurled at the characters of those distinguished men. And hence, that malicious and vindictive spirit which they have manifested toward all those who have had the integrity or boldness to acknowledge themselves their disciples. Hence, too, their present discreditable opposition to every educational, political and social measure, which would conduce to the elevation and improvement of society. But poor deluded mortals! how vain will they find all their attempts to impede the mighty progress of truth-the glorious advancement of thought and enlightenment!

As well, indeed, might they attempt to overthrow the pyramids of Egypt with the waft of a feather, as to endeavor to demolish the temple of reason and intellect which is now erecting in society; a temple which, while it will be a glorious emblem of the progression of man, will be a lasting monument of their final downfall! So considerably, in fact, is the power of the priesthood already diminished, that they are now beginning to be looked upon by the leading minds of all classes, with feelings of indifference and compassion, rather than those of reverence and admiration.

It was the desire to endeavor to hasten the annihilation of the influence of these men that induced me to publish the following work--a work which, I trust, will serve somewhat to expose one of the greatest impositions ever palmed upon mankind in any age, or in any country. I allude, as may be supposed? to the Bible. Yes, the Christian priesthood dare so outrageously to blaspheme the character of the Supreme Governor of the Universe as to say, that book is his word; that he either wrote or inspired men to write it. O shame, shame upon such blasphemy! What! a munificent and omniscient Deity the author of a book replete with more contradictions, containing more immoralities, and inculcating more absurdities, than any book extant; contradictions, too, of the grossest character, immoralities of the most pernicious tendency, and absurdities of the most extravagant nature! Audacious impiety!

Such an opinion perhaps might be entertained in the dark ages of ignorance and superstition, but in this the boasted era of reason and science, it must be repudiated by all who dare openly and frankly avow their sentiments, This may be deemed by those who have always read the Bible with their eyes closed, or who are interested in teaching its doctrines and mysteries, as very bold and presumptuous; but let the reader refer to the extracts contained in this little book, (and which are only a few to what may be adduced) and I am persuaded that he will at once acknowledge that I am perfectly justified in making these statements, Indeed, so extremely immoral and disgustingly obscene, are many passages in this book, that I feel almost ashamed to publish them, and I am sure that any one who has the least sense of delicacy or chastity, will blush to read them.

A book which had really originated from an Omniscient and Munificent Divinity--a book which was the word, or organ of such a being, must inculcate in every chapter and in every verse, the strictest, the purest, and most exalted morality; must constantly exhort mankind to every thing that was just, rational and charitable; and must contain no language but that which was exquisitely beautiful and elevating; and no expressions but those which were irresistibly persuasive and convincing. But the Bible is a book, as may be seen on a reference to these extracts, quite the reverse of this. We are compelled, therefore, to conclude against the established opinions of society, that it cannot be of Divine origin, and that consequently it cannot be the word of God.

116 pages - 5½ x 8½ softcover

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