Greetings! It is my great pleasure to introduce David Mastry and his book. Over the years, we have discussed many ideas and theories. David's path is "onward, upward, following eternal love and light." He shares knowledge and life experiences with us in a unique formulary, nudging readers to inquire and evolve into the expanding realities before us. Clairvoyant Clarisse Conner
EXCERPT David Mastry
We are experiencing quantum leaps forward as our galaxy moves "from one parking place to an-other" in the coming years. Everything changes! David assists us in our deeper understanding of life's mysteries. Our perceptions of time, space, dimen-sions and connectivity with all-that-is are heightened by this revelatory work. Much like Robbie the Robot heralded in an era of new science fiction, David her-alds in an understanding of the past and welcomes the future. His unique path and dedicated teaching approach will be long remembered by future generations.
I invite you to share in this journey. Expand your knowledge, follow your heart and prepare to enter new realms. May your journey be twice blessed!
I asked God years ago, after all the revelations and the quickening I went through from ages 15 to 22: "Since I can't find the ashram or monastery that will take me or one that I feel right about, call on me any time to do your bidding." God has.
I had no need for Jesus or Christianity. I believed such a man did exist, and I believed Edgar Cayces' account of him, but I found my faith and all spiritual truths through the practice of various yoga tech-niques, the mantra Aum and Hindu theology. Aum Sri Jai Ram. I saw the quest for the astrological birth chart of Yeshua Ben David [Jesus] as a challenge-a possibility-and I can't resist these kind of challenges. It has led me to believe that Yeshua was and remains the greatest avatar to ever incarnate on Earth. I now pray to him regularly, along with Krishna, Rama, Ha-numan, Ganesha, The Durga Mother et. al.. My guru is the Logos, the Word Aum, as explained by Swami Sivananda in the Japa yoga book, published by The Divine Life Society, Uttar-Padesh, Himalayas, India, 1978.
I need only the Aum, the actual word/voice of God as my Guru, guide and Savior. I have no ulterior mo-tive to sell you a belief system; they are all correct, as so much of the rites employed by you, the devotee, are correct. And if it is as Yeshua said at the end-" I am one with the Light."-then, as Aum is my Sat Guru, you Jesus fundamentalists have no conflict with me. He is now One with, in part, and whole with Aum, the Light, [the Word and the Light are One] the Word of God. All truths are One with Aum.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2: The Chart: The Axis, 12th House Cusp and Arabian Parts
Chapter 3: Matrices
Chapter 4: Planetary Aspects and Sabian Symbols
Chapter 5: The Star of Bethlehem
Chapter 6: Using the Yeshua Chart for Composite Charts
Softcover, 8¼" x 5¼", 130+ pages