The Law Sovereignty - Patriot Studies Law of Intellectual Property

Law of Intellectual Property

Law of Intellectual Property
Catalog # SKU0754
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Lysander Spooner


The Law of Intellectual Property
An Essay On The Right Of Authors And Inventors
To A Perpetual Property In Their Ideas

by Lysander Spooner

"... the principle of individual property... says that each man has an absolute dominion, as against all other men, over the products and acquisitions of his own labor."



Chapter 1. The Law Of Nature, Relative To Intellectual Property

SECTION 1. The Right of Property in Ideas to be proved by Analogy.
SECTION 2. What is Wealth?
SECTION 3. What is Property?
SECTION 4. What is the Right of Property?
SECTION 5. What Things are Subjects of Properly?
SECTION 6. How is the Right of Property Acquired?
SECTION 7. What is the Foundation of the Right of Property?
SECTION 8. How is the Right of Properly Transferred?
SECTION 9. Conclusions from the preceding Principles.


SECTION 1. Objection First
SECTION 2. Objection Second
SECTION 3. Objection Third
SECTION 4. Objection Fourth
SECTION 5. Objection Fifth
SECTION 6. Objection Sixth
SECTION 7. Objection Seventh
SECTION 8. Objection Eighth
SECTION 9. Objection Ninth
SECTION 10. Objection Tenth
SECTION 11. Objection Eleventh
SECTION 12. Objection Twelfth
SECTION 13. Objection Thirteenth
SECTION 14. Objection Fourteenth
SECTION 15. Objection Fifteenth


SECTION 1. Perpetuity of Intellectual Property
SECTION 2. Descent of Intellectual Property





SECTION 1. What is the Common Law of England
SECTION 2. Why the Common Law Right of Property in Ideas has not been more fully Acknowledged
SECTION 3. Review of the Case of Millar v. Taylor
SECTION 4. Review of the Case of Donaldson and another, vs. Becket and another


Chapter 3

The design, after which a picture is drawn, is as clearly wealth, as is the canvas on which it is drawn, or tile paint with which it is drawn. Without the design, the canvas and the paint could have clone nothing towards producing the picture, which is now so valuable.

The same principle governs in every department and variety of industry. An idea is every where and always the guide of labor, in the production and acquisition of wealth; and the idea, that guides labor, in the production or acquisition of wealth, is itself as obviously wealth, as is the labor, or as is any other instrumentality, agency, object, or thing whatever, whether material or immaterial, that aids in the production or acquisition of wealth.

To illustrate- The compass and rudder, that are employed in guiding a ship, and without which the ship would be useless, are as much wealth, as is the ship itself, or as is the freight which the ship is to carry. But it is plain that the mind, that observes the compass, and the thought, that impels and guides the hand that moves the rudder, are also as much wealth, as are the compass and rudder themselves.

So the thought, that guides the hand in labor, is ever as clearly wealth, as is the hand itself; or as is the material, on which the hand is made to labor; or as is the commodity, which the hand is made to produce. But for the thought, that guides the hand, the commodity would not be produced; the labor of the hand would be fruitless, and therefore valueless.

Every thing, therefore- whether intellectual, moral, or material, however gross, or however subtle; whether tangible or intangible, perceptible or imperceptible, by our physical organs- of which the human mind can take cognizance, and which, either as a means, occasion, or end, can either contribute to, or of itself constitute, the well-being of man, is wealth.

Mankind, in their dealings with each other, in their purchases, and in their sales, both tacitly and expressly acknowledge and act upon the principle, that a thought is wealth; that it is a wealth whose value is to be estimate and paid fur, like other [*14] wealth. Thus a machine is valuable in the market, according to the idea, after which it is fashioned. The plan, after which the house is built, enters into the market value of the house. The design, after which a picture is drawn, and the skill with which it is drawn, enter into, and mainly constitute, the mercantile value of the picture itself. The canvas and the paint, as simple materials, are worth- in comparison with the thought and skill embodied in the picture-only as one to an hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand.

Mankind, ignorant and enlightened, savage and civilized, with nearly unbroken universality, regard ideas, thoughts, and emotions, as the most valuable wealth they can either possess for themselves, or give to their children. They value them, both as direct sources of happiness, and as aids to the acquisition of other wealth. They are, therefore, all assiduously engaged in acquiring ideas, for their own enjoyment and use, and imparting them to their children, for their enjoyment and use. They voluntarily exchange their own material wealth, for the intellectual wealth of other men. They pay their money for other man's thoughts, written on paper, or uttered by the voice. So self-evident, indeed, is it that ideas are wealth, in the universal judgment of mankind, that it would have been entirely unnecessary to assert and illustrate the fact thus elaborately, in this connection, were it not that the principle lies at the foundation of all inquiries as to what is property; and, at the same the, it is one that is so universally, naturally, and unconsciously, received and acted upon, in practical life, that it is never even brought into dispute; men do not stop to theorize upon it; and therefore do not form army such definite, exact, or clear ideas about it, as are necessary to furnish, or constitute, the basis, or starting point, of the subsequent inquiries, to which this essay is devoted. For these reasons; the principle has now been stated thus particularly.[*15]


Softbound, 5.25x8.25, 240 pages