In this day and age everyone wants to get rich!
And quickly!
We all want the best for ourselves and our family - and we'd better get on the
ball and do it lickity split.
If we don't have a super paying job or a rich daddy, or a boyfriend who is in the
mob, we have to go about finding the end of the rainbow in some other way.
Good luck charms have been with us since the beginning of recorded history.
People have come to put their faith in that which they believe to be magical. It
could be something as "
as a good luck gemstone, or as "
using a word from the Kabala. But there is a strong belief that these talismans and
amulets really work.
The book you are now beginning to read is perhaps the best reference work on
the subject, and includes a variety of "
magical tools"
that are practical and helpful.
We have updated this terrific study guide and work book with added material
by Brad Steiger and Diane Tessman. We truly believe you hold a valuable elixir
for improving your life in your hands.
If you wish counseling and help in any of life's problems we can refer you to our
own Dragonstar as well as Diane Tessman for private counseling. You need but
drop me a line either through the mail or by e mail if you are on line.
And above all else in life - GOOD LUCK!
Timothy Green Beckley
The subject of Talismans and Gems of the Zodiac covers a wide area, and the
difficulty of arriving at a definite conclusion is increased because of the varying
opinions between writers on these subjects as to the stones referred to, or intended
by the Ancients, complicated still further by the different languages from
which these records have been translated, and where Month or Zodiacal gems
are referred to by many of the writers who are obviously unacquainted with Astrology
or Astronomy.
The present volume being the result of many years of study and research, it is
not easy in all cases to specify the original source of our information, which has
been collected, not only from ancient and modern writings, but also from personal
experience and experiments, noted at the time they occurred, long before
this book was contemplated. Again, we find that many, and more especially modern
authors, quote from one another in places, and the original source of the information
is obscure; we have, therefore, endeavoured to give, as far as possible,
our authorities, although, owing to the antiquity of the subject, much is necessarily
left to deduction and conjecture; and there may be unintentional omissions,
the remedy of which we give a list of books that we have at different times consulted
and studied with advantage.
We have endeavoured throughout to make the subjects dealt with as interesting
as possible, believing that the symbols expressing the faiths of bygone days
form the basis of occult forces, a proper understanding of which is becoming more
and more recognised by scientists as necessary in the interests of progress at the
present day.
It will be noticed that many of the gems have similar qualities attributed to them
which, according to the ancient authorities, were specifically arranged for the
benefit of those types whose planetary aspects brought them into harmony with
the particular stone specified.
With regard to characteristics dealt with in the latter part of the book, this must
be regarded as general, and liable to variation according to the remaining Planetary
influences, which would be indicated in a horoscope. With this proviso, the
information given will be found reliable and very helpful in giving a knowledge
of our dispositions and those of our friends and associates and should pave the
way to a sympathy and understanding impossible without this knowledge. It will
also afford a simple and easy means of at least proving there is something in Astrology,
and if interest is aroused the fullest information may be obtained by a
study of the books mentioned, dealing with the subject.
We have greatly benefited from the assistance given as by Mrs. G. M. Walker
in lending us scarce and valuable books for reference, and by G. H. Greenop,
Esq., kindly translating many old Greek and Latin writings; we should also like to
acknowledge our obligations to the Directors of the British Museum for the facilities
given in obtaining information, and their permission to make drawings from
the actual Talismans in their collections.
185+ pages - 10¾ x 8¼ softcover