
Catalog # SKU0234
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Alexander S. Holub & Evelyn Budd-Michaels



by Alexander S. Holub
with Evelyn Budd-Michaels

The unconscious (subconscious) aspect of the human mind has long been shrouded in mystery. This bold and dynamic book reveals the key to communicating directly with this little understood realm of our psyche. Exploring different facets of behavior allow the clear analysis of the nature of what is hidden within the deeper elements of the mind and how these controlling patterns of behavior came to be.

Written primarily for professional therapist and counselors, the new carefully outlined and researched techniques can be incorporated easily into current talk therapy practice. Therapist using these techniques can insure prompt, successful, integrated changes empowering their client's lives quickly and effectively. The lay reader is also rewarded with clear perceptions of why his/her life remains the same; stuck in outmoded behavior patterns despite their best efforts to alter their thoughts and actions.

With these new insights, those who truly desire change and have neither the time nor the funds to enter into months or years of talk therapy are encouraged to seek therapists who utilize Psychokinesiology techniques. Understanding these processes before seeking help prepares the future client for the successful changing of self-defeating patterns of behavior by establishing success-oriented expectations.

Included in this book for those professionals interested in training workshops and for those desiring to interact with professionally trained therapists and counselors, there is contact information.

"Psychokinesiology contains significant insights into the understanding of human behavior. It can be a valuable addition to any library. Beyond that, it is highly worthwhile to be involved in at least one session to discover the seemingly magical quality in this esoteric procedure. The participant seems to experience an almost entrancing response as a result - even in a single session. - V.V. Dimeo, Ph.D. Psychologist (Ret.)

"I am truly impressed by the depth and scope of Psychokinesiology. It delves into the detailed methods of how we truly think...(this) work is a scientific-based writing that is based in real clinical evidence... works." ...This work expands my clinical abilities for dealing with the awesome complexities of my patients... I will be using this system in my practice." - Randall W. Robirds, D. C. Chiropractic Physician, Applied Health Dynamics

About the Author
Alexander S Holub has been teaching Psychology in the Los Angeles Community College district for 25 years. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Psychology. He is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He has a certificate in Rational-Emotive Behavorial Therapy being taught by its founder Dr. Albert Ellis. He has been a practicing hypnotherapist for more than 25 years, and has Applied Kinesiology certification in Total Body Modification (TMB) Along with his partner, Evelyn Budd-Michaels, PH.D, have been pioneering in the use of Applied Kinesiology in counseling and therapy. Their findings have been presented to many conferences, and many articles have been in extensive journals.

"Essentially, we can say that all of the realities that we perceive directly are related to our unconscious thought processes and beliefs. All reality, then, is learned. To the extent that we believe that reality to be true, it will come to be true. If it does not exist on physical reality for you, it does not matter how strongly you profess a belief in it, you actually do not believe in it. Even if it does come into "existence" for you (via hallucinations, delusions, etc.) that does not mean it exists for anyone else."

End excerpt.

5 1/2 x 8 1/2", Paperback, 265 pages