Historical Reprints Science Ohio Mounds, The

Ohio Mounds, The

Ohio Mounds, The
Catalog # SKU1810
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Cyrus Thomas
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


Ohio Mounds

Cyrus Thomas

This is one of the first, perhaps the only, published book on the strange finds and interpretations of the Ohio Mounds. With all the research into the archeology of Europe, Middle East, Egypt, South America, India, Asia, etc.. it makes one wonder why these North American anamolies are not fully analyzed and researched.

From the Preface

The constantly recurring question, "Who constructed these works?" has brought before the public a number of widely different theories, though the one which has been most generally accepted is that they originated with a people long since extinct or driven from the country, who had attained a culture status much in advance of that reached by the aborigines inhabiting the country at the time of its discovery by Europeans.


The historical evidence is clear and undisputed that when the region in which the mounds appear was discovered by Europeans it was inhabited by Indians only. Of their previous history nothing is known except what is furnished by vague and uncertain traditions or inferred from the study of their languages and customs. On the other hand there is no historical or other evidence that any other race or people than the Indians ever occupied this region, or any part of it, previous to its discovery by Europeans at the close of the fifteenth century.

We enter the discussion, therefore, with at least a presumption in favor of the conclusion that these works were built by the Indians--a presumption which has not received the consideration it deserves; indeed, it is so strong that it can be overcome only by showing that those mounds, or the specimens of art found in them, which were unquestionably the work of the builders, indicate an advancement in skill and knowledge entirely beyond that reached by the Indians previous to contact with Europeans. But all the genuine discoveries so far made in the explorations of the mounds tend to disprove this view.

If it can be shown that tribes occupying the mound region at the time they were first visited by Europeans used mounds, and in some cases built them, it will be a fair inference that all these structures are due to the same race until the contrary is proved.


Chapter I. The Historical Evidence.
Chapter II. Similarity of the Arts and Customs
Tribal divisions.
Similarity in burial customs.
Removal of the Flesh Before Burial.
Burial beneath or in dwellings.
Burial in a sitting or squatting posture.
The use of fire in burial ceremonies.
Similarity of stone implements and ornaments.
Mound and Indian Pottery.
Chapter III. Stone Graves and What They Teach.
Chapter IV The Cherokees As Mound Builders.
Chapter V. The Cherokees and the Tallegwi.

Softcover, 5¼" x 8¼", 97+ pages
Perfect-Bound - 12 point font