Historical Reprints History Great Civil War of the United States

Great Civil War of the United States

Great Civil War of the United States
Catalog # SKU1242
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 2.00 lbs
Author Name R. G. Horton


Great Civil War
of the
United States

R. G. Horton
(written 1868)

One of the greatest mysteries in the annals of American history was the Great Civil War. State against State. Brother against Brother. Father against Son. This war remains one of the largest scams of the US Federal government against its founding documents, against its founding fathers, and against the very foundation that the nation was established on. This book written by a Northerner, in 1868, is an objective view of that horrible blight in human history. Written from an insider of the Lincoln Administration, the author however, is not giving Lincoln 'hero' status, a myth perpetuated by the Federal Government. He reveals the powers behind the scenes that controlled, and influenced Lincoln's decisions. The GOP, the Republican party committed treason against the people of the United States.... both North and South. This TGS Reprint is in a large format with larger print than the original, and TGS as added over 50 pages of pictures from that era, including the rare photos of the Confederate submarine.


480+pages - 11 x 7.5 inches SoftCover
