Lost History Ancient History DARKNESS OF THE GODS and the COMING OF PLANET X : Invisible Islands in the Sky

DARKNESS OF THE GODS and the COMING OF PLANET X : Invisible Islands in the Sky

DARKNESS OF THE GODS and the COMING OF PLANET X : Invisible Islands in the Sky
Catalog # SKU1948
Publisher InnerLight/Global
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Ignatius Donnelly & Timothy Green Beckley & Sean Casteel


and the

From Ragnarok to Wormwood
The Invisible Islands in the Sky

Timothy Green Beckley
Sean Casteel
Ignatius Donnelly

There is evidence that Planet X is " inbound." Keep your eyes on the sky . . . Everyone, it seems, is talking about it! Astronomers and NASA are mostly mum on the subject, yet there is a tendency among some believers to take a deeply conspiratorial view of their silence regarding the matter. Some students of the Bible see the Day of Judgment at hand.


The Greek poet Hesiod, who flourished in the 8th century B.C.E., told a similar tale of apocalypse and redemption.

" Hesiod tells us," Donnelly recounts, " that the Earth united with Night to do a terrible deed, by which the Heavens were much wronged. The Earth prepared a large sickle of white iron, with jagged teeth, and gave it to her son Cronus, and stationed him in ambush, and when Heaven came, Cronus, his son, grasped at him, and with his 'huge sickle, long and jagged-toothed,' cruelly wounded him."

Donnelly then asks, " Was this jagged, white, sickle-shaped object a comet?"

The drama continues with a female character, most probably the aforementioned " Night," who " brought forth another monster, irresistible, nowise like to mortal man or immortal gods, in a hollow cavern; the divine, stubborn-hearted Echidna (half-nymph, with dark eyes and fair cheeks; and half on the other hand, a serpent, huge and terrible and vast), speckled and flesh-devouring, 'neath caves of sacred earth. With her, they say that Typhon associated in love, a terrible and lawless ravisher for the dark-eyed maid. But Echidna bare Chimera, breathing resistless fire, fierce and huge, fleet-footed as well as strong; this monster had three heads; one, indeed, of a grim-visaged lion, one of a goat, and another of a serpent, a fierce dragon; in front a lion, a dragon behind, and in the midst a goat, breathing forth the dread strength of burning fire." Donnelly interrupts the story to point out that, even in his less-technological times.

" The astronomical works show what weird and fantastic and goblin-like shapes the com-ets assume under the telescope. If we will imagine one of these monsters close to the Earth, we can readily suppose that excited people, looking at 'the dreadful spectacle,' (as the Hindu legend calls it), saw it taking the shapes of serpents, dragons, birds and wolves."

The fiery, serpent-like monster next sprouts a hundred more serpent heads from its shoulders and appears to be playing with " dusky tongues," which Donnelly associates with " tongues of fire and smoke," as would again describe a comet. Voices call from within the monster, in a language intended for the gods to understand, as well as emitting the proud bellowing of a bull and various other animal-related sounds so that even the mountains resounded with the noise.

Hesiod relates that the monster would have caused irreparable and total destruction, except that the gods intervened. Nevertheless, there was widespread catastrophe, such that Earth, Heaven and the sea were all boiling. Some of the gods and heroes trembled on account of " the unceasing tumult and dreadful contention." But then Jove takes up arms against the monster/comet and " smote him from Olympus, and scorched all around the wondrous heads of the terrible monster."

Hesiod's tale continues: " But when at length he had quelled it, after having smitten it with blows, the monster fell down, lamed, and huge Earth groaned. But the flame from the lightning-blasted monster flashed forth in the mountain hollows, hidden and rugged, when he was stricken, and much was the vast Earth burnt and melted by the boundless vapor, like as pewter, heated by the art of youths, and by the well-bored melting-pit, or iron, which is the hardest of metals, subdued in the dells of the mountain by blazing fire, melts in the sacred Earth, beneath the hands of Vulcan. So, I wot, was Earth melted in the glare of burning fire. Then, troubled in spirit, he hurled him into the wide Tartarus."
[The Tartarus is in Greek myth an infernal abyss below Hades where the wicked are punished after death.]

Having worked our way through Hesiod's story, it is now left for Donnelly to reinterpret it: " Born of Night," Donnelly says, " a monster appears, a serpent huge, terrible, speckled, flesh-devouring. With her is another comet, Typhon; they beget the Chimera, that breathes resistless fire, fierce, huge, swift. And Typhon is the most dreadful monster of all, born of Hell and sensual sin, a serpent, a dragon, many-headed, with dusky tongues and fire gleaming; sending forth dreadful and appalling noises, while mountains and fields rock with earthquakes; chaos has come; the earth, the sea boils, there is unceasing tumult and contention, and in the midst the monster, wounded and broken up, falls upon the Earth; the Earth groans under his weight, and there he blazes and burns for a time in the mountain fastnesses and desert places, melting the Earth with boundless vapor and glaring fire.

" We will find legend after legend about this Typhon," Donnelly continues. " He runs through the mythologies of different nations. And as to his size and his terrible power, they all agree. He was no Earth-creature. He moved in the air; he reached the skies."


by Sean Casteel



by Sean Casteel and Timothy Green Beckley

by Ignatius Donnelly

10¾" height 8¼" width - 275+ pages