CAVERNS, CAULDRONS, AND CONCEALED CREATURES is the first book of its kind in
terms of truly going in-depth to examine the striking similarities between
folklore, religious, mythic, "new age," fictional, and first-hand witness or
historical accounts of cryptid and reptilian figures.
Drawing from scientific facts, folklore and comparative mythology, and
anecdotal sources, it is demonstrable that the structure of our planet, the
history of our species, the underlying truths disguised as our myths,
legends, folklore and " pop culture " imagery, are not quite what we have
been led to believe. The Earth itself is much more stratified and complex in
structure than we have realized, and our species has perhaps experienced,
through the ages, encounters and conflicts with "others," non-human
intelligences or beings of various types who have seldom been our friends.
Memories and accounts of these encounters have come down to us in the form
of folklore and mythology, often viewed with superstitious terror or awe
through the conditioned lenses of religions, religious interpretation or
"folk traditions." Such encounters are continuing today.
The theories put forth in this book are based on two types of evidence:
very strong circumstantial evidence based on folklore, mythology, religion,
legends, archeology, geology, and related areas, and first-hand or witness
accounts, both ancient and modern. Often these two areas of source material
or even anecdotal evidence overlap.
It is possible that these various phenomena and beings are in fact modern
representations of those who have traditionally been considered fairies,
gnomes, trolls, nagas, djinn, "aliens" and their "magic" is a technology of
such antiquity, advancement and complexity that it is, to our limited
understanding, "magical." With UFOlogy, cryptozoology, Fortean phenomena,
and all the rest, we are in fact seeing, perhaps even participating in, an
ongoing contemporary " update of "folklore," which is in actuality the way
our human minds attempt to gather, categorize, assimilate, comprehend and
decipher (as well as "cover up" with terror-masking simplifications) the
very REAL evidence for the existence of such beings and their ongoing yet
seemingly inexplicable activities.
From ancient myths to modern experiences
from credible witnesses, it is ALL folklore, and ancient folk traditions may
contain much more truth than has previously been believed, just as
"forteana" and related topics do today. Once we make the leap of
understanding that the creation of folklore is part of the process of
comprehending these mysteries, and even may be caused by them, the whole
picture of our culture, literature, fairytales, Jungian archetypes, and so
on takes on an entirely different light. The creation of folklore, based on
very real " others " and their parasitical or otherwise peripheral
activities, has become an instinctive, mind-protecting function for the
collective human mind.
There's a definite link between electromagnetism and some types of
underworld beings (as shown in the book), and the connections between varied
topics such as "ghosts," UFOs and electromagnetism are well-documented. But
there are still even greater underlying truths behind these mysteries, such
as how these seemingly-unconnected, yet actually inter-related phenomena
could all come about.
Foreword HiddenMysteries
Subsurface Inhabitants in Folklore, Myth, and Literature
2. The West.
3. The New World.
2. Dante Alighieri.
3. Jules Verne.
5. J.R.R. Tolkien.
2. H. P. Lovecraft.
3. Robert E. Howard.
2. Hairy Humanoids.
3. El Chupacabras and Other "Hybrid" Beings.
4. Other Forms.
Part Two: Re-Invention, Paranoia, And Deception
2. The Masks May Change, The Play's The Same
3. Into The Out Of
2. The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
3. Hamburgers For Hell, And Other Nasty Dishes
4. What In The World.....?
5. Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
6. The Farmers In The Delve
Humanity and the Ocean of Secrecy
2. Where Dragons Roam
3. Water, Water, Everywhere
4. The Perpetual Rebellion
About The Author
New Never Before Published.. Richard Shaver Rock Images
Perfect Bind Paperback Book:
280+ - 5x8 inch pages - Illustrated and color inserts