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Sweet Lips
Catalog #: SKU4144

Though the topics and themes are much the same as American erotica, the British use of English adds a luster to the stories, missing from the vulgar used in America. For all the Bible thumpers, sapphism was not banned in the Bible anywhere!

Swords of Mars - John Carter's Journal - Book 8
Catalog #: SKU1684

This is volume eight of the famous and popular John Carter's Journal, a science fiction series about Mars. Serve yourself, your children with the tools that seed intuitive thinking skills, books that challenge and enrich the imagination.

Symbol of Glory : The Object and End of Freemasonry
Catalog #: SKU2165

Lectures about the most recognizable symbols of Freemasons.

Symbolic Creatures
Catalog #: SKU3887

THE human mind has a passionate longing for knowledge even of things past comprehension. Where it cannot know, it will imagine; what the mind conceives it will attempt to define.

Symbolic Mythology
Catalog #: SKU0256

A great little resource for deciphering the hidden meaning of the symbols used in mythologies and religions.

Symbolical Masonry
Catalog #: SKU3586

The question is often asked, How old is Masonry and where did it begin? The answer must depend entirely on one's definition of the word. If by that term one means a Freemason in the modern sense, who is a member of a subordinate lodge operating under the authority of a Grand Lodge and practising the rites of Symbolical Masonry, then Freemasonry came into existence in London in 1717.

Symbolism of Freemasonry
Catalog #: SKU1009

The work now offered to the public is an effort to develop and explain this philosophy and science. It will show that there are in Freemasonry the germs of profound speculation. If it does not interest the learned, it may instruct the ignorant. If so, I shall not regret the labor and research that have been bestowed upon its composition.

Symbols: Language of Gods and Ancients
Catalog #: SKU2059

One of the most unexpected results of the critical study of these symbols is the establishment of their essential paucity. They undergo, alike by devolution and evolution, and a sort of ceaseless interfusion also, infinite permutations of both type and meaning, but in their earliest monumental forms they are found to be remarkably few.

Symmes's Theory of Concentric Spheres
Catalog #: SKU2403

The Theory of Concentric Spheres forming a hollow earth by Captain Symmes is expounded on by this anonymous author. The hollow earth theory is one that still holds mystery for truthseekers, even today.

Catalog #: SKU3900

APOLLODORUS, who repeats to his companion the dialogue which he had heard from Aristodemus, and had already once narrated to Glaucon; Phaedrus; Pausanias; Eryximachus; Aristophanes; Agathon; Socrates; Alcibiades; A Troop of Revellers.

Symzonia : Voyage of Discovery
Catalog #: SKU2411

The Author's reasons for undertaking a voyage of discovery.-He builds a vessel for his purpose upon a new plan.-His departure from the United States- To the Hollow Earth.

Synagogue Histories
Catalog #: SKU2382

A topic seldom researched among truthseekers, yet a mystery of an ancient religion that still affects every one on the planet, in one way or another.

Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal
Catalog #: SKU0691

Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal is a true life adventure where the crossroads of parallel universes meet to reveal the core formula of reality. Told against the backdrop of King Solomon's underground catacombs, this book explores the pathway to the Unified Field through the principle of synchronicity.

Synchronized Universe
Catalog #: SKU0910

A New Scientific Revolution is quietly underway... The Synchronized Universe, reveals that the tapestry of modern science is showing a few tatters...There are many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.

Synthetic Men of Mars - John Carter's Journal - Book 9
Catalog #: SKU1685

This is volume nine of the famous and popular John Carter's Journal, a science fiction series about Mars. Serve yourself, your children with the tools that seed intuitive thinking skills, books that challenge and enrich the imagination.
