Humankind's future rests in the stars. It may do us well to understand our own star, the sun. We've worshipped it as God for thousands of years, we still honor it one day a week as a holy day, we hold it in awe for its heat and light, - it's time we learned about it.
The Blackfoot tribes, particularly the Piegan, have been more extensively studied than most other Plains Indians. The writer began a systematic investigation of their culture in 1903.
Naturally, there clusters about the sun a rich mine of folk-lore. The prominence of the orb of day, its importance in the maintenance and the development of life, the mystery that has ever enveloped it, its great influence in the well-being of mankind, have secured for the sun a history of interest equalled by none, to which every age and every race have contributed their pages.
Serious study into sundials and roses; and man's love affair with both, as he turned both into emblems for symbols of meanings.
The tale of a miraculously born redeemer who overcomes heroic challenges, teaches ethics and morality, performs marvels and wonders, acquires disciples and is famed far and wide, to be persecuted, killed and reborn, is not unique but a global phenomenon recurring in a wide variety of cultures long before the Christian era. Are Krishna, Buddha and Christ "real people" or myths?
For ages men have sought to perpetuate their memories in enduring monuments of brass and of stone. Yet, in their efforts to build lasting memorials they have neglected the most enduring monument of all-the Monument of Posterity. These farseeing ones have overlooked their real opportunity; for in posterity-in the achievements of their children's children, men may best hope to reflect a lasting greatness.
A manual, a how to manual, for astral projection.
Reverse health problems with food, herbs, and spices. Learn about a juice that reverses heart disease and cancer, a vegetable that eliminates depression, a protein-rich food for boosting energy, a berry for improving poor vision, a fruit which lowers cholesterol, a spice that kills germs, plus hundreds of others.
This is one of the most controversial books publshed in the age of enlightenment. Reproduced with all notes and footnotes. Critics hung their attack on a couple of errors, overlooking the massive amount of evidence the author produced challenging the orthodox and fundamental view of Christianity. Cassels challenged the biased translations of manuscripts by theolgians of his day.
Behmen says "The Eternal Darkness of the Soul is Hell, viz.: an aching source of anguish, which is called the Anger of God, but the Eternal Light in the Soul is the Kingdom of Heaven, where the fiery anguish of darkness is turned into joy. Large print 15 point font.
An exhaustive study and research into how superstition and myth (i.e. religion) leads masses to horrendous acts against mankind.
What are these boasted resources of the Christ-worshipers? Their morality? It is the same as in all religions, but their cruel dogmas produced and taught persecution and trouble. Their miracles? But what people has not its own, and what wise men do not disdain these fables? Their prophecies? Have we not shown their falsity? Their morals? Are they not often infamous? The establishment of their religion? but did not fanaticism begin, and has not intrigue visibly sustained this edifice? The doctrine? but is it not the height of absurdity?
What are these boasted resources of the Christ-worshipers? Their morality? It is the same as in all religions, but their cruel dogmas produced and taught persecution and trouble. Their miracles? But what people has not its own, and what wise men do not disdain these fables? Their prophecies? Have we not shown their falsity? Their morals? Are they not often infamous? The establishment of their religion? but did not fanaticism begin, and has not intrigue visibly sustained this edifice? The doctrine? but is it not the height of absurdity?
What are these boasted resources of the Christ-worshipers? Their morality? It is the same as in all religions, but their cruel dogmas produced and taught persecution and trouble. Their miracles? But what people has not its own, and what wise men do not disdain these fables? Their prophecies? Have we not shown their falsity? Their morals? Are they not often infamous? The establishment of their religion? but did not fanaticism begin, and has not intrigue visibly sustained this edifice? The doctrine? but is it not the height of absurdity?
A respected member of the priesthood exposed religions and Christianity as frauds perpetrated on mankind upon his deathbed. A dying man's confession is held as truth in a court of law.