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Study In Consciousness
Catalog #: SKU4085

From her Theosophical and Hindu philosophies, Ms. Besant, a great mystic in her own right, teaches how consciousness is the source of all matter and creation.

Study in Karma
Catalog #: SKU4109

Ms. Besant teaches how Karma is affecting mankind in all world events.

Study In Scarlet - Large Print
Catalog #: SKU3369

The world's most famous detective in large easy to read print!

Study of British Genius
Catalog #: SKU3163

A comparison of the British physiology, body, mind, and accomplishments over time, and to other races or nations.

Study of Man and the Way to Health
Catalog #: SKU2748

This doctor and Freemason connect dots between science and religion as it relates to human health.

Study of Pueblo Architecture: Tusayan And Cibola
Catalog #: SKU3299

The remains of pueblo architecture are found scattered over thousands of square miles of the arid region of the southwestern plateaus. This vast area includes the drainage of the Rio Pecos on the east and that of the Colorado on the west, and extends from central Utah on the north beyond the limits of the United States southward, in which direction its boundaries are still undefined.

Study of Recent Earthquakes
Catalog #: SKU3760

I describe a few of the more important earthquakes that have occurred during the last half century. In judging of importance, the standard which I have adopted is not that of intensity only, but rather of the scientific value of the results that have been achieved by the study of the shocks. Even with this reservation, the number of earthquakes that might be included is considerable; and I have therefore selected those which seem to illustrate best the different methods of investigation employed by seismologists, or which are of special interest owing to the unusual character of their phenomena or to the light cast by them on the nature and origin of earthquakes in general.

Stupid White Men
Catalog #: SKU0423

The government has been seized by a ne'er-do-well rich boy and his elderly henchmen . . . Our great economic expansion is unraveling faster than a set of Firestones . . . Our water is poisoned, the ozone's in shreds, and the SUVs are advancing like a plague of locusts . . .

Catalog #: SKU0948

The Subjection of Women is an essay by John Stuart Mill written 1869 stating in essence that the subordination of one sex to another is "now one of the chief hindrances to human improvement".

Submerged Atlantis Restored
Catalog #: SKU0266

A great utopian and spiritual view of Atlantis being restored in the Americas, and the world.

Subterranean Brotherhood
Catalog #: SKU2409

Son of Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of the Scarlet Letter and House of Seven Gables, write on his life in an underground prison, with its underworld economy. Has mankind advanced in its solutions or punishments of criminal?

Subterranean World, The
Catalog #: SKU2410

There is a subterranean world! It's one made by man, nature, and God. And after all the millennia man has been on the planet, he know less about his own world.

List price: $30.95 save 39%
Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth
Catalog #: SKU0412

Here are strange and unexplainable legions of the "Wee People," the Dero, and long-haired Atlantean giants as encountered by cave explorers and miners trapped far beneath the earth.

Suffrage Cook Book, The
Catalog #: SKU1871

This book is a preservation work to save a bit of history for today's woman. It contains many pictures of women that were local leaders in the Suffrage Movement and some men that endorsed and supported their cause.

Catalog #: SKU0763

According to the popular apprehension of the term, a promise is the act of the promisor alone; but in truth it requires also an act of the promisee. Before any act by the promisee, the so-called promise is in law only an offer, called by the Romans a pollicitation. It is not until it is accepted by the promisee that it becomes in law a promise.
