'Safari' is a Swahili word meaning 'journey'. This word aptly describes our lives, not as a destination, but as a work in progress. Nowhere are the cycles of life and death more evident than the African continent. With its majestic landscape and unforgiving environment, it constantly serves to remind us, simultaneously, of the splendour and harshness of life.
A study in reincarnation. After one has accepted the idea of Reincarnation, that the soul returns again and again to earth, the question inevitably arises, "What is the end of it all?" Answers have been given by Eastern philosophers, as also by Plato, all of whom postulate Reincarnation as a necessary part of the soul's existence. Their answer is Liberation, or a final freedom from rebirths.
A look into the soul of a shackeled race of people in American History suffering in the Christian world of what should never have been! An excellent book for all races to read, red and yellow and black and white.... covering many topics in few words.
Primarily intended for the purposes of the Naval War College, this work is the cumulative result of years of untiring and loyal effort on the part of the College staff and student body. Equally important have been the advice and assistance contributed by other officers of wide professional experience and attainment.
Much of Civil War history is untrue. Like most history it is written by the victor. The story told is that millions of Southern men went to war over an issue that only affected 6 percent of the population. Such absurdity is readily seen. The deception must not continue.
Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form illustrates that Darwinian evolution is actually not an empirically predictable or testable scientific paradigm, but is a highly touted philosophy of Western materialism.
Spacecraft and spaceflight has changed the way man thinks about his home planet and place in the universe. We are the microcosm, not the macrocosm of the universe, regardless of what the Vatican imposed on the people during its Christian Dark Ages. Learn the history of how spaceflight has evolved in just a few decades.
Directed by Tibetan elders, the Germans sought to harness the most powerful energy in the physical universe: the Vril, an energy so powerful that, in its most refined form, it can change the very nature of the elements themselves. To succeed, however, the elders needed to reach mass consciousness in order to manifest a major change in the evolutionary development of the human species.
Mystical, secretive, philosophical, and prophetic... This book looks into the realm of mysteries that have peaked man's curiosties throughout the ages.
Most laymen in the general public, know nothing about Speculative Masonry. This study reveals its origins and purpose.
What did Texas forefathers think about secession? Here are two speeches: one of pro-secession and one of anti-secession.
Enter pristine Egypt of 1911 through the eyes of this author and relive the impressions of ancient Egypt, before World Wars, before Industrialization, before the Modern Era. Mildly illustrated with images from the area of Egpyt the author is revealing. Feel the romance that Egypt holds over the world and awe of Egypt the author feels. Egypt holds a spell over all people of every civilization.
A manual of mediumship, covering all phases of becoming an accomplished medium.
This volume is intended as an antidote to a species of errors that have been rife in every age of the Christian church. Notwithstanding the disclosures the Most High made of himself to his ancient people, they were yet prone to turn aside from the worship of the true God, to follow the lying spirits of the prophets of Baal, and other deceivers, from the days of Moses till the destruction of Jerusalem. So, likewise, under the Christian dispensation, there has been a succession of Antichrists, until their name is legion, whose teachings have clouded the understandings and blinded the moral perceptions of men, subverting the faith of many whose mountains stood strong, and who had been counted the chosen people of God.
Spirit-Soul Mates: their pre-existence, sex life, marriage, divorce, Earth pilgrimages, and reunions.