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Catalog #: SKU0932

Exposed at last is a subject surrounded in mystery and controversy. Are we living in the time of Biblical Prophecy? The Reign of the Anti-Christ? And the Battle of Armageddon?

Silent Weapons for Silent Wars
Catalog #: SKU0321

"It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e. slavery and genocide."

Simon Bolivar: The Liberator- Father of 5 Nations
Catalog #: SKU2356

Simon Bolivar was the liberator of many South American nations from far away rule and dictatorial tyranny. Statues to his honor dot the U.S. scene, but most U.S. Americans know very little about this great man's history and role in the Americas.

Simon Magnus
Catalog #: SKU1036

Everybody in Christendom has heard of Simon, the magician, and how Peter, the apostle, rebuked him, as told in the narrative of the Acts of the Apostles. Many also have heard the legend of how at Rome this wicked sorcerer endeavoured to fly by aid of the demons, and how Peter caused him to fall headlong and thus miserably perish. And so most think that there is an end of the matter, and either cast their mite of pity or contempt at the memory of Simon, or laugh at the whole matter as the invention of superstition or the imagination of religious fanaticism, according as their respective beliefs may be in orthodoxy or materialism. This for the general.

Simple Life, The
Catalog #: SKU1715

The complexity of our life appears in the number of our material needs. It is a fact universally conceded, that our needs have grown with our resources.

Simple Sabotage Field Manual
Catalog #: SKU2008

This Simple Sabotage Field Manual Strategic Services (Provisional) is published for the information and guidance of all concerned and will be used as the basic doctrine for Strategic Services training for this subject.

Simple Sabotage Field Manual (Electronic Download Edition)
Catalog #: SKU2026

This Simple Sabotage Field Manual Strategic Services (Provisional) is published for the information and guidance of all concerned and will be used as the basic doctrine for Strategic Services training for this subject.

Simplicity in Spirit
Catalog #: SKU1862

Simplicity in Spirit should relate to all things in life; blocks can and do occur due to our human mind and nature. I

Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters
Catalog #: SKU3728

A Detailed and Accurate Account of the Most Awful Marine Disaster in History: LIKE a bolt out of a clear sky came the wireless message on Monday, April 15, 1912, that on Sunday night the great Titanic, on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic, had struck a gigantic iceberg, but that all the passengers were saved. The ship had signaled her distress and another victory was set down to wireless. Twenty-one hundred lives saved!

Sinn Fein : An Illumination
Catalog #: SKU3409

I was a member of the "National Council" formed in 1902 by Mr. Arthur Griffith on the occasion of the visit of the late Queen Victoria, and of the Executives of "Cumann na nGaedheal," the "Dungannon Clubs," and the "Sinn Fein League," by the fusion of which the old "Sinn Fein" organisation was formed.

Sir Issac Newton's Daniel and the Apocalypse
Catalog #: SKU3028

Carefully reproduced facsimile edition of this hard to find work on the great philosopher, scientist, and Biblical Scholar Issac Newton. A study into the Biblical theories of prophecies of Issac Newton, many based on his scientific and mathematial expertise. The author William Whitley adds his own research into the prophecies by adding historical background, explanations, definitions, and alternate views. Vegetable life, for instance, is a miracle of God, that we fail to recognize.

Sirius Mystery : New Scientific Evidence for Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago
Catalog #: SKU0166

How is it possible for the secret traditions of an African tribe to contain detailed data on the star Sirius which modern astronomers have only just discovered? Why can this strange information be traced back to the even older civilisations of Sumer and Egypt? The most ancient and sacred traditions of the Dogon tribe in West Africa maintain that the existence of civilisation on earth is a result of contact from inhabitants of a planet in the system of the star Sirius.

Six Historic Americans : Our Christian Heritage?
Catalog #: SKU1601

Were the American people asked to name the five great historic figures of the first century of our national existence -- the illustrious men who contributed most to build and glorify the United States of America -- the answer would be, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Ulysses S. Grant.

Six Theosophic Points
Catalog #: SKU3147

An Open Gate of all the Secrets of Life Wherein the Causes of all Beings Become Known; Six Mystical Points

Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses (Larger Print)
Catalog #: SKU2362

Moses' Magical Spirit-Art : This obscured book has been published from time to time by many, but this is the largest print edition we are aware of. This is also the first fully complete edition as it was derived from three rather dilipated old booklets.
