The great Teacher once said, Physician heal thyself... This book gives women the knowledge of her body and inner workings so she can protect herself from ailments and damage to her most private and sensitive parts. A wealth of knowledge for the woman's library. For men, this book will give you information about that most mysterious place on the female body 700 pages of medical science. Large Print 14 point font, 97 illustrations
The great Teacher once said, Physician heal thyself... This book gives women the knowledge of her body and inner workings so she can protect herself from ailments and damage to her most private and sensitive parts. A wealth of knowledge for the woman's library. For men, this book will give you information about that most mysterious place on the female body 700 pages of medical science. Large Print 14 point font, 97 illustrations
A medical doctor studies the sex habits of mankind, and gives advise from his experience and medical practice of a safe and enjoyable sex life. He includes a history of the sexual impulse.
A christian study into sexual neurosis, diseases, and perversions.
Written from a Christian perspective, but still has some very good information regarding STDs. Covers a little bit of everthing from abuse, prostitution to abortion.
A Scientific, Psychological, and Sociological Study for the Cultured Classes - An exhaustive research into all aspects of human sexuality.
A complete look at the history of our sexual relations, and where its going.
An interesting collection of articles looking into many aspects of morals and sex. It is definately anti-abortion and anti-masturbation, but other articles are very interesting, such a Benjamin Franklin's view on old women vs. young women for sex.
What a new field for science! A missionary spirit inspired you and you were ready for any sacrifice for the triumph of the truth of spirit intercourse. The greatest mystery of this life is what comes after this life-- this author explores those realms.
A TGS reprint from a magazine style article of the 1800s. Jane Austin, a widely published author, was a frequent visitor of Orchard House, where Louisa May Alcott lived. She and Louisa often wrote together.Both authors deviated from their standard popular fiction to write lurid tales of gothic romance, mystery and horror.
Ghosts, spirits, and other psychic practices are researched in this little known book.
Why this book? Because last year, in the heart of the Sierras, I saw women and children chained together and marched down from their cool, healthy homes to degradation and death on the Reservation. This book is another little known 'Trail of Tears' story, but the word 'story' seems to diminish this tragedy of human suffering, at the hands of the US Government and the Republican Party 'Radical Rumps.' This is the failure of 'democracy' when it becomes majority rule, mob rule, and rule of the rich. This is the repeated horror, time and time again, of Christianity and Christian governments.
Author looks at how Shakespeare's works refer to astrological elements.
Shakespeare was channeled and gives nearly 500 pages of insight into every kind of topic.
It has been asserted that there is no such thing as Indian Religion, though there are many Religions in India. This is not so. As I have already pointed out (Is India Civilized?) there is a common Indian religion which I have called Bharata Dharma, which is an Aryan religion (Aryadharma) held by all Aryas whether Brahmanic, Buddhist or Jaina.