Sex, Drugs & Magick can be considered a 'scholarly' appraisal of both the historical and modern use (an misuse) of drugs in conjunction with sex and 'occult' practices. But don't let the word 'scholarly' put you off. Don in Wilson' inimitable style, this is a book filled with humor, cynicism, wonder and essential information for those who would pursue what can be an immensely rewarding path, potholed with a array of social and physical dangers.
Think 'free love' started with the 60s generation? Think again... The quest for unrepressed acts of love have been with humanity since the beginning... and repressed time and again by 'sects' of men only interested in controlling others.
An early study of woman's reproductive rights, along with a more romantic psychological evaluation of our sex lives.
Short study on the need for sexual education.
Sexual health is something most of us pay no attention to until we have something no longer working, physically or psychologically. Though slanted from a christian viewpoint, much of the advice is valid from a medical view.
The homeopathic solutions to sexually related diseases and problems.
Learn what chemicals, foods, habits can affect or cause impotence from this doctor.
Absence does not always make the heart grow fonder... absence of sexual function has an opposite affect on relationships and that absence of function occurs in both men and women.
A study into human sexual anomolies not considered 'normal' by most people.
An exhaustive study into the normalcy of sex in ancient India's lifestyle and religions. The openness of sexual activity makes one wish you could live in such a society in modern times.
ames A. Michener (in The Floating World) has called De Becker's notorious study and history of Tokyo's brothel quarter an "unorganized collection of astonishing facts." De Becker, a lawyer, was one of very few naturalized Westerners living in Yokohama; he wrote numerous works on Japanese law, economics and language during the period 1897-1928.
This well-researched study investigates the sexual attitudes of the 20th century and how they are changing.
Look into the sexual life and practices among primitive man and primitive societies, and learn how religion has perverted the 'natural' order of things.
An ethnographic account of courtship, marriage and family life among the natives of the Trobriand Islands.
An in depth study into the physical growth of the sexual in the child, the physiology of the sexual child, the external factors that influence the sexual growth of children, and sexual education of children.