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Catalog #: SKU2586

Real life experiences with phantasms reported in short story form.

Phantasms of the Living (4 book set)
Catalog #: SKU2762

IN DEPTH RESEARCH of life after death-- the evidences, experiences, witnesses of hundreds of people proving the absolute reality of life beyond the grave.

Phantom of the Opera (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU3526

The Opera ghost really existed. He was not, as was long believed, a creature of the imagination of the artists, the superstition of the managers, or a product of the absurd and impressionable brains of the young ladies of the ballet, their mothers, the box-keepers, the cloak-room attendants or the concierge. Yes, he existed in flesh and blood, although he assumed the complete appearance of a real phantom; that is to say, of a spectral shade.

Phantom of the Poles
Catalog #: SKU1471

THIS volume is not written to entertain those who read for amusement, but to establish and prove, so far as proof can he established and proved, a half-score or more of mighty truths hitherto not comprehended.

Phantom World & Ghosts Who Return To Earth Bodily (2 Books in 1 Volume)
Catalog #: SKU3208

Among the many phases presented by human credulity, few are more interesting than those which regard the realities of the invisible world. If the opinions which have been held on this subject were written and gathered together they would form hundreds of volumes-if they were arranged and digested they would form a few, but most important. It is not merely because there is in almost every human error a substratum of truth, and that the more important the subject the more important the substratum, but because the investigation will give almost a history of human aberrations, that this otherwise unpromising topic assumes so high an interest. The superstitions of every age, for no age is free from them, will present the popular modes of thinking in an intelligible and easily accessible form, and may be taken as a means of gauging (if the expression be permitted) the philosophical and metaphysical capacities of the period. In this light, the volumes here presented to the reader will be found of great value, for they give a picture of the popular mind at a time of great interest, and furnish a clue to many difficulties in the ecclesiastical affairs of that era.

Phil Schneider : His Final Message
Catalog #: SKU0160

Phil Schneider, a very brave man, lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style execution in January 1996. He was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped around his neck. According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeated before being killed. Phil Schneider was an ex-government engineer who was involved in building underground bases.

Philadelphia Experiment
Catalog #: SKU0938

In October 1943, the U.S. Navy secretly accomplished the teleportaion of a warship from Philadelphia to a dock near Norfold by successfully applying Einstein's Unified Field Theory.

Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Survivor Accounts
Catalog #: SKU0113

Al Bielek has lead a life most would not choose to live. While many might think that time travel, meeting aliens, and working on secret projects are exciting ventures, Al paid a big price for the privilege.

Philadelphia Experiment And Other UFO Conspiracies
Catalog #: SKU1935

From scientific data extracted from the "Philadelphia Experiment," as well as from information derived through Extraterrestrial sources: the military currently enjoys a remarkable acceleration of technology that is utterly "mind boggling," to the average person.

Philadelphia Experiment Chronicles
Catalog #: SKU0557

Exploring the Strange Case of Alfred Bielek & Dr. M.K. Jessup : In a highly classified project conducted by the United States Navy in 1943, a mega-ton destroyer- The U.S.S. Eldridge- was made invisible, teleported onto the blackness of another dimension; while its crew members were flung through time and space under horrifying circumstances. Most did not return and the few who did went instantly insane.

Philadelphia Experiment Murder
Catalog #: SKU0129

A look at the covered-up murder of a US Navy worker becomes a probe of reality, itself. New evidence of a "real" Philadelphia Experiment, parallel Montauks and quantum consciousness lead to an interrogation of the very activity of belief.

Philip Dru Administrator : A Story of Tommorrow 1920-1935
Catalog #: SKU0308

Disguised as a novel to dupe the masses, it was the blueprint for the radical socialist revolution the enslaved the United States during the Wilson and Rooselvelt presidencies.

Catalog #: SKU1324

It is a melancholy reflection upon the history of the Jews that they have failed to pay due honor to their two greatest philosophers. Spinoza was rejected by his contemporaries from the congregation of Israel; Philo-Jud

Philosophy and Fun of Algebra
Catalog #: SKU1391

An odd little book we are happy to bring back, that places the 'reasons' for Algebra into common sense. Written in 1909 for the young student, it makes an interesting excursion back in time. Published by TGS Publishing. Always remember that the use of algebra is to free people from bondage.

Philosophy of Conflict
Catalog #: SKU3140

Combined edition of Havelock Ellis writings during WW-1. His first series was published in 1917 and the 2nd series in 1919- TGS has reprinted both series in one book. Facsimile of the original printings.
